Dutch Rocket X

Ha... I just picked up a solo seat. That's part of what got this going. Want to be able to remove the bags when not needed.

For many, many years I was the guy that was always too macho to use bags or a shield.
When I was hammered by the big 60, I declared myself an OLD-PUSS and got bags with Easy Brackets and a shield for easy removal to use only for multi-day trips.
Soon after came a large bag for behind the seat, foot boards and a loud horn! Twas astounded at how fast I turned into a c*nt requiring more and more crap to carry.
I miss the good old days of carrying only a small bag with a few shorts, sox, Ts and tooth brush.
Oh I am with you. I have a Harley Street Glide...first bike I ever had or rode with a fairing. Now I wonder how I rode all those years without one. And god forbid I don't have bags. Again how did I ride all those years without saddle bags full of sh**??! I told my friends the same thing...it turned my into a p***y.
Rocket has a shield on it. Came with a big ol' clearview. Too big for me. I like looking over not through. I cut it down and installed a vent for a goldwing. I find that I don't take it off as much as I thought I would. But it's nice to have that option to trim down for just running around without to much BS attached to the bike. Hence the EZ bracket question. Besides I like the way it, or most bikes for that tree look without shields and bags. But I'm more into function and some comfort now.
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RIGHT ON, Amigo!
Just curious, how did you determine your shield height?
RIGHT ON, Amigo!
Just curious, how did you determine your shield height?

A lot of eye balling and comparing it to the height of the shield I have on the street glide. Although not exactly apples to apples it gave me a good starting point. Held a level from my eyes to the shield and that's where I put the tape. Level and 1" above and below, different heights and rode around to see what I needed for height to see over.
Once I was pretty confident with that I cut it but kept in mind better to cut it again then make it too short the first time. So far it's been perfect. Really happy with how it came out.


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Hope we didn't hijack HennieN's thread!! It was originally on topic about the bags!!
Not really on topic
Though I do absolutely do not fancy the wind shields. It is ok for me if people like to apology here for having a big windshield on there beautiful bikes

And I already got an answer on the removable brackets.
I think now that I will look for the easy brackets for my bags.
And will combine them with the original supports, or extend the base plate.
And an aluminium plate in the bags. So I will not loose them on the German highways.

Will be a winter project because I now did plan to many rides/weekends to have time to do any extra works on the bike

Thank you all for your kind replies and welcome.
I feel welcome. With you, all around the world.

Have a good day. Ride safe and enjoy!
I think someone on the forum did a great custom mod of his stock OEM brackets. Cut and welded onto the Easy Brackets so they did not stick out any further than OEM very neat it was too.

Someone will remember who.
Aahh the old rush to respond but ya slowin' down in old age Tony, I cracked my own query over 5 days ago. Even @ozrider has responded since.
Yeah I realised when i kept on reading but could not be bothered to delete my post...