Dutch Rocket X

You are correct about the stock brackets make the bags stick out further, but more so in the rear so I cut down the thickness of the rear spacing to bring them back in even
Welcome from Edmonton Alberta! I have the EZ brackets, and I love them, if you buy the Triumph bags one of the mount holes will be exposed but mine was plugged with a wee Christmas tree looking plug and a dab of silicone. no leaks so far.
Welcome from Aus, Rocket X #324
Got any Blacker ?
Great responses. Thanks to you all.
Indeed. Blacker than this bike will not be needed.

I have the original connection and do want to keep the looks without having the bags stick out more.

So the bare metal version look good. Can do for the welding and powder coat after that.

To be continued
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I think someone on the forum did a great custom mod of his stock OEM brackets. Cut and welded onto the Easy Brackets so they did not stick out any further than OEM very neat it was too.

Someone will remember who.
Welcome from Ex Dutchie been here in Auss since I was 5 soon be 60 so I think I can call myself an Aussie now
Do not look narrowed - just mated to better bag support.