Dropped new '25 R3 R Storm - So Happy!

Great idea!
It Happens! Cool bike!
I also had a diaper filling experience after purchasing my 2022 GT. My case was using a T stand that I have been using
for my BMW for 20 years without problem. Simply drive up into it and get off. I've serviced and stored the bike on that
stand for years without worry.
I drove the Rocket into the stand, admired and fiddled with it for two days without problem. One morning, I came out
into the garage and found the magnificent beast sprawled out on the left side. My heart stopped and dollar signs danced in my head.
I just stood there trying to figure out what happened. Intruder, grandson, mad wife for buying it?
Called a neighbor to help get it back upright so I could asses the damage, expecting at least gas tank damage. The left handle bar
end was tucked under the tank. Ugly
Breathing a sigh of relief, only found broken left mirror. Nothing else. It probably helped that it fell onto carpet.
I surmised the wider front tire was too big for the stand's "V" where the tire rests. I believe it wasn't perfectly upright and
slooowly rolled out of the V. Needless to say, when using the stand, I'll strap it to the stand from now on.
Sooo glad to hear about the minimal damage.
RBW, Two Step, all the electronic stuff will get us when theres a glitch, all we can do is throw caution to rhe wind and ride like theres no tomorrow.
Another good way to take the bike to ground fast is to tap the front brake while slow maneuvering (straddle walking) with bars against the stop.

I did that on my BMW a couple years ago while maneuvering on a slopped dirt parking lot. Couldn't use the rear brake and
tapped the front brake as it rolled forward on an incline with bars at full deflection. I was down before thinking "Oh ****"
How embarrassing
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