Driveshaft Lube . . near miss....

By the way, see that clip ring back in there? Might be a good idea to get a new one AND the seal that it holds in there, I assume that there is one there like my Suzuki that looked just like this. Too bad the owners service manuals don't show this!
Then again, you may have already done all that.
I have a friend that has a restored 1978 Honda GoldWing 1000. It is a beautiful bike, while looking it over I noticed that it has a grease nipple right in the area of where that coupler is on the R3. That sparked the light bulb to go off in my head to pursue info, from forums, on how well that lubed things. When I find out I will share that info, or if anyone else delves into this please post what you found also.
I have an older neighbor that I bumped into yesterday while going out for a ride. He is an English gentleman & retired from a lifetime of being a mill wright. His view on the grease nipple was “just do it…..grease will eventually get into that coupler!”