Driver Needed for the RAA West

We would not wait on the truck unless you broke down. The way I envisioned this was to have the rig roll into the town where we are staying any time during the day and be there for people to access what ever items they had stored there.

I can travel light but I prefer to have options of gear and amenities if I so choose. Think about it, no weight on the bike and more choices of gear than you could haul on three bikes. I would have my cooler stock with my non alcoholic beverages, plenty of clothes so I would not have to do laundry, can of gas for whatever and five pairs of boots. It is a vacation foe me and I would love to have all my wants fulfilled. Am I a riding primadona? Hell to the yeh. You wanna look down on me because I do not want to rough it ? Go ahead.

Sandy would love to have two helmets available so she could choose the best for the weather of the day. I would bring a spare bike so I would not to be inconvenienced even if I had a bike completely blow up. I will admit I love luxury. This can work one way or another it is just a matter of sacrifice or money. I like the way Mad Dog and Breeze are going with this.

I always start with the idea that I can have my cake and eat it too. I then have to scale back as reality dictates. I have found that if you buy two cakes it can happen.
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really dont see how we would waiting on a truck with us stopping for fuel more often than a truck that holds 30+gallons of fuel
really dont see how we would waiting on a truck with us stopping for fuel more often than a truck that holds 30+gallons of fuel
It is immaterial either way, the truck should be available for support. It would be ideal is the truck were behind a bit but arriving as we do for the night. I am working on a person that might do it for us. I'm very excited to have this particular person on board for this. I will announce him when we get it sewed up.
looking forward to seeing casper again been a while since I saw him last
Found a driver.

Paul aka Joesmoe and his wife have decided to join us in the RAA west. They will come to my house and drive out with us for two days to NM then follow the route pulling the trailer. I’m very pleased to have Paul with us.

We will put his bike in the trailer so he can ride the days where we are not changing lodging for the night. All’s good.

When we arrive in Bloomfield see me if you would like to take advantage of the trailer or truck space. I’ll have some spare gas on board.
Good, you found a driver but does Paul know how to drive combustion engine vehicle so I will not have to remind anyone to bring a big cushion if Lupe was going to do any driving.
..... and blocks to strap to his feet??

Paul says he can drive a real vehicle.
Dang. I was gonna sign up for that gig.