Driver Needed for the RAA West

How about we split it up? Everybody benefits from having a chase truck & trailer with space to carry extra luggage and tools, we could even bring camping gear and save hotel costs for a night or 2. I’ll take a day driving the truck for that luxury. Who else is willing to load their bike and pilot the chase vehicle for a day? There are 29 people signed up for this.
I myself have a 2500 crew cab ram long bed diesel with a 16ft flat trailer(my hay trailer double axle)or a 12 ft?enclosed haulmark trailer double axle with brakes may be a time problem for some impatient folks on the side of the road(would be if it was me)but this here ride we got planned out aint no more than 4 to 6(plus or minus) hours away from my home I will have my son and or my wife standing by to act as a superhero to come save anyone if needed,as for youre added luxuries since you dont travel light ?????????????????if you need anything from me or if I can do anything for you drop me line of some sort
This could be a solution if a designated driver were not to be found. I could hire a “ Mexican “ to do my days driving.
Ok, I shouldn’t have used the word luxury. I’ve seen the time I lived off bologna and canned goods and slept under concrete picnic tables to shelter me from the rain. I suppose luxury is relative.
I will be 16-18 hours away from home, and I normally do travel light. If 1 of the 3 bikes I’m responsible for breaks and can’t be easily fixed I live on the the way home for Mel.
Mel is farther away than me and has a new bike that isn’t setup for road trips and wife to consider. I understand wanting to bring his rig, and I might benefit from it being along.
I also understand some of us might not want to be slowed up waiting on the truck.
Whatever you guys decide is fine with me, Im willing to help anywhere it’s needed.