Dreaming of South Africa safari

Nice prize, I’d love an African Safari. I’m a hunter.

I see some hate from the non hunters. Why hate and criticize just because you don’t share an interest?
Nice prize, I’d love an African Safari. I’m a hunter.

I see some hate from the non hunters. Why hate and criticize just because you don’t share an interest?
Because that lion video was'nt hunting, it was tourist slaughter by inept people as per comment posted earlier by a hunter. I have seen similar/worse in the NT where we used to hunt wild buffalo and some rich douchebag 'hunters' would go to operators with wild caught but corralled and broken spirited buffs were standing in paddocks where the 'hunter' was almost lucky if they stepped out of their airconed 4x4 that had barely left the tarmac to 'take' a 'trophy' set of horns.
Nice prize, I’d love an African Safari. I’m a hunter.

I see some hate from the non hunters. Why hate and criticize just because you don’t share an interest?

I've "Hunted" all my life from the age of about 10 yrs old until now at 68 yrs old.
My idea of hunting is the original "Free Range" hunt where you have to use your skills to get a trophy not step out of a vehicle be it a 4wd or a helicopter and shoot an animal that is fenced!..WTF is that?
The fact that you use your skills, and more than likely expend a huge amount of energy to get an animal would be far more rewarding to me than to be one of 4 or 5 fatboys with rifles waiting your turn to smack over an animal that is half used to humans googling at it it from a vehicle!
I have a 13 inch bull thar mounted and on my lounge wall which took me many hours of stalking and swearing and loosing blood and sweat to get. One clean shot and he didnt know i was even there. Thats what im talking about!
The safari night was informative. Many people believe that hunting is a very real contribuion to the loss of animal life. It certainly could be. However , ethical hunting practices have proven to sustain and even improve .animal numders. Africa is starting or already has an over population of animals and the costs of a safari are cheaper than guided hunts for elk and moose and some deer hunts.
Go Africa. Also hunters are a real source of revenue for local people and a source of food, also providing protection for domestic farm animals. If a lion kills one goat from a farmers heard of 6 goats he suffers significant financial loss.

POACHERS are not hunters!!!

Ok I do understand real hunting and shooting petting zoo animals.
Pity the lion missed him... *******. Its also amazing these fools didnt shoot each other! Thats not hunting its slaughter-tourism. Hunting is a whole different thing

You can also go to Horizins Unlimited web site (Adventure Touring Site) tons of information and they even list charities you can help.
The wife and I are visiting friends who live in Pretoria for 2 weeks in April. In addition to a 5-day stay in the Kruger National Park, we are driving through Namibia. Will let you know how it goes.
The wife and I are visiting friends who live in Pretoria for 2 weeks in April. In addition to a 5-day stay in the Kruger National Park, we are driving through Namibia. Will let you know how it goes.
Are you going to see the Desert Elephants of the Namib? - it is one of my "wants". The Kruger at night is amazing. Enjoy it.
Its not a personal dig at you Doc...just riles me to see these sort of things...i wont watch it again...
Many hobbies are very personal and polarizing. As an example we had an older man driving a Smartcar pull up and tell us how dangerous those things were and to be careful because he did not want to read about us on the news. I can see that some people think that motorcycle riding is a foolish and unnecessary risk of life.

I told him that if I hit his car with my truck I might not even feel it and his car was nearly as dangerous as my motorcycles. This old fart is notorious in town for driving nearly half the speed limit.