Dreaming of South Africa safari

Wear your bug repellent long pants and shirts. One of my co-workers went on a safari hunt and got some ticks from hiding in the brush. Felt poorly after coming home to US and ended up with some kind of Rickettsi. He was on IV antibiotic for several weeks before it cleared up.

He was not amused when we all pitched in and got him a tick stuffed animal. No sense of humor - We all thought it was funny
Dream on...sounds like a once in a life time adventure..!!One of my friends went over there a year ago,I'll ask him what it was like.
Yep, no joke tick borne diseases a big issue world wide. Wear lots of DEET repellent and seal the cuffs of trousers etc and do a daily inspection for the little buggers because like leeches they anaesthetize the bite so you do not detect them.

We have many unknown unresearched 'Lyme' like tick bite illnesses here in Oz. One of the weird results can be a lifelong serious allergic reaction to Mammalian blood or meat products when consumed in even tiny amounts. At least they are unlikely to ever become Zombies!

My niece has had late diagnosed actual Lymes with multiple infections of related bacteria from a years sojourn in Canada/USA and Mexico a few years ago. As Lymes itself is not medically recognized as being endemic to Australia and remained untreated for too long she has progressed to a major debilitating illness and is currently in Cyprus on a 6 week Ozone blood infusion treatment.

About 20 years ago I contracted 'Bush Typhus' from endemic ticks in the tropical Northern Territory and was the sickest I have ever felt. To cap it off I was bitten on the balls and they went black and swelled to the size of an orange before the antibiotics took effect.
Im not partial to snakes and insects though.
Then get prepared to be miserable. Insects like the Big 5 too. If you are going to be active then I would be wary of over using DEET. It tends to form a skin and you will not perspire correctly. Drinking large amounts of beer seems to help - keeps humans away too. DEET IS EXCELLENT on CLOTHING - there are better alternatives for skin.

I have seen the big five in the Kruger (through an Alcoholic haze) and have been to the Ngorogoro in Tanzania (after attempting Kilimanjaro). Have been charged by protective mother Rhino (baby with her) - Charged by Bull Elephant protecting hareem.

And despite taking all my anti malarials - I caught Malaria.

MAKE SURE YOU GET ALL YOUR SHOTS. And be aware that some of the vaccines are "live" - so you WILL feel horrid afterwards.

Joke - What is the difference between Malaria and Love? - Malaria is for life!.

No regrets though.
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Has anyone toured SouthAfrica on a motorcycle? I would be interested in any recent tours(within 2 years), but would also be interested in any stories. Keep the rubber side down.
Re the lion video....
BASTARDS!!...Whats the matter with these big tough pricks!!!Have they no brains at all!!..."Take only memories, leave only footprints!" (Chief Sealth)..use a camera!!
Maybe someone will see the light one day, hopefully when its not too late!
Makes my blood boil!
That is a brilliant prize.

+1 on the DEET. Spray the strongest DEET on your clothes, wash your hands before eating as it is quite poisonous. I had some video from the deep jungle in Ecuador showing a 3' bug free zone around me because of DEET. One bug flew directly at me and started doing a panicky backstroke about 3' away. The poor thing was going too fast and couldn't stop
He flew into me and instantly fell down dead.