Does Ramair Proof Exist?

Nice to see an install video by a regular guy (not a professional). I laughed at the beer break in the middle and the handgun on the workbench in case the Ramair got a little checky! I wish the video had shown the bike with the bearclaw back on.
Nice to see an install video by a regular guy (not a professional). I laughed at the beer break in the middle and the handgun on the workbench in case the Ramair got a little checky! I wish the video had shown the bike with the bearclaw back on.
With the Ramair and the bear claw back on it looks the same as any other Rocket with the bear claw on. Just go and have a look at yours, that's what it looks like.
Very good install vid

Great video indeed, thanks. Flash Video Downloader sprung into action and I copied that down to my local drive, might be a good reference when I go to install it myself.
There is some proof now that they are crap and made very cheaply

There's also proof that some users have had them on a long time and have had no issues, so I wouldn't automatically agree they're "crap". Certainly there are some questions.
There is some proof now that they are crap and made very cheaply , DON'T waste your money

There is also some proof that Ramair is concerned about these issues and once they are made aware of them from the few that have had issues they have taken immediate steps to rectify the issue, usually by sending out a new setup from what I have read. Sounds like a reasonable company to me.

This air filter has been on the market for a year. If the mfg has not yet tested it to learn the extent to which its product is effective I think the mfg is nuts. IMO it's more reasonable to conclude that the mfg has tested it and has concluded that it should not divulge those results.
Replacing a crappy item with another crappy item is hardly worthy of praise. I'd call it a disgrace. Seems to me they're just dumping the defective items in the hope that people won't complain twice. Given the number of issues there should probably be a recall on every filter sold and money refunded or a "fixed" replacement provided.