It seems to me these batteries that come with the bikes are small in Cold Cranking Amps. Think about it... just about starting a car engine with that little battery.
The battery on my Roadster started acting funny with in two years. I always kept in plugged up to a battery tender when the bike was not in use. Replaced the battery with a larger CCA and all was well. I installed larger gauge battery cables not long after that and did the larger starter mod.
I believe when one purchases a battery they might get a good one or a bad one far as in longevity. Might purchase a battery of the same make it will be good .... might get a bad one however. Even if a battery tender is used it really doesn't help if a bad battery is purchased. It will crank up fast and do good but won't last long.
I assume there is quality management at the manufactories but one might slip through every so often. Buying a higher quality battery might help in getting a longer lasting battery (better quality management) but they usually are expensive compared to auto part store batteries.