Do I need a new battery?

When I got my Rocket off the delivery company it would not fire.

Put it on the charger and no go. So got a new one with a new charger.

In the same week I had to change the battery on the old 1100 virago.

Now I use the old rocket battery for one of my 12 volt work lights with alagator clips easy to move around.
It seems to me these batteries that come with the bikes are small in Cold Cranking Amps. Think about it... just about starting a car engine with that little battery.

The battery on my Roadster started acting funny with in two years. I always kept in plugged up to a battery tender when the bike was not in use. Replaced the battery with a larger CCA and all was well. I installed larger gauge battery cables not long after that and did the larger starter mod.

I believe when one purchases a battery they might get a good one or a bad one far as in longevity. Might purchase a battery of the same make it will be good .... might get a bad one however. Even if a battery tender is used it really doesn't help if a bad battery is purchased. It will crank up fast and do good but won't last long.

I assume there is quality management at the manufactories but one might slip through every so often. Buying a higher quality battery might help in getting a longer lasting battery (better quality management) but they usually are expensive compared to auto part store batteries.

What battery did you fit?
The original battery in mine lasted 11 years (Yuasa). I replaced after my last RAA in Maggie valley cause it started having problems starting in the morning. In it's the defense the bike was covered with frost both mornings
Too funny to read all of these. Misery loves company, right?!

Any suggestions on battery brand replacement?
The original battery in mine lasted 11 years (Yuasa). I replaced after my last RAA in Maggie valley cause it started having problems starting in the morning. In it's the defense the bike was covered with frost both mornings
I was waiting for this legendary battery to get a mention. Sadly on the basis of probability your next five will average 16.8 months each.
I replaced my first Rocket battery (the main one) when the bike was ywo years old. The nect one lasted twice as long. I jusy had to change mine well actually Bob Carpenter did. But hey you let a bike sit for almost a year in the shpp, the battery will sulfide and crap out. He threw in a agm battery I'm not even sure what type or amperage. Once I linked it in with my extra battery it acted like the 900+ cca system she used to be. I throw a charger on mine once or twice a year and ride, no maintainer stuff as I at least a minimum 5 amps to charge the secondary battery.
I am one of the guys who needs a new battery every year.

You might also check the grounding cable, mine was corroding and I replaced it with two. The ground was an issue for me for awhile.