DNA Air filter upgrade

perhaps you are unable to see my signature?
perhaps you are unable to see my signature?
No, I can't see your signature.
Perhaps you didn't understand me.
what I meant is , does the DNA filter make difference without changing the exahust?
What laser iridium plugs did you use? I've got the DNA filter and might as well change plugs at the same time. Already got the Penner & Werkes.
What laser iridium plugs did you use? I've got the DNA filter and might as well change plugs at the same time. Already got the Penner & Werkes.
let me tell you exact model, I ordered wrong ones and had to resend them,

this is the one I found by cross referencing on NGK website with our rocket stock spark plug model, took me few hours to find the exact same spec replacement in Iridium ones
stock spark plug on our Rockets NGK LMAR8A-9

replacement IRIDIUM MODEL exact same specs as OEM above -

LMAR8BI-9 (91909) NGK-LMAR8BI-9 (91909)