DIY Beginner Upgrades Cams & Pistons - Lives To Tell The Tale

FWIW I sometimes find they are reluctant to suck up oil if the bottom end has been apart. We use assembly lube, but also just before start up ( or attempting to start) I fill the oil filter with oil and then place a bit of hose over the end of an oil can and pump oil into the main gallery from the oil filter housing, screw the filter on quick and go for the starter button.
Darn good idea Nev I'll make a note of that
Should I add this tip to starting your engine I’m fixing to fire up? Or just do the turning over without plugs you told me to do?
Kevin, get everything ready to start except leave out one plug from each cylinder, prime as described above, then hit the starter for maybe 3 X 20 sec bursts to get the oil around the engine.You should see the oil light go out Fit plugs and start. Have you got your engine back?
Yes Sir

Yep. My mistake was following the servicemanual,'wetting in the oilpump'. just wetting is not enough.After continiously red warning light at idle I had to take apart again the front of the engine and did the same procedure like yoy did but first step I took was watching if there was spitting oil out of the 'hole' ,also without the oilfilter yet. I did not go for the starterbutton but put a drilling maschine onto the oilpumpshaft. Keep in mind that one have to turn ccw (.)
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What about dumping a liter or 2 of oil in the TDC inspection plug. Would the oil migrate into the the general cavity and be pump by the oil pump and scavenger pumps ?