Did your 2020+ Rocket 3 Instrument Cluster glass crack?

Did your 2020+ Rocket 3 Instrument Cluster glass crack?

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Close to 1000 views and only 24 votes. Come on guys, we can do better than this. So far it looks like it is not a common issue. So, that's one good news
I am having this issue now aswell also in Australia. Hmmm... it let water in a shorted everything out made the bike do some wierd stuff it even sounded the horn at one point when I was trying to trickle charge the battery all in all it made the only thing that would work was my daytime running lights bike is in dealer now my only guess would be direct sunlight while parked up. Bike is usually kept under cover tho.
I've come across a dozen cases in Florida, mostly in the Villages, unfortunately all Republicans/vocal Trumpers. Formally charged with a crime.
Nothing unfortunate about it my friend. If they did it they deserve to be punished. Repubs, Dems or Independent. Let the hammer fall!