Did a few small things this Winter

Try going to a non-profit dealer shop that works on Jap bikes a lot of them have assorted used parts bikes around you might be able to find a shifter that way.
Are those. Apes 10" and did you have to change your cables?
Are those. Apes 10" and did you have to change your cables?
Yes, standard Harley mini-apes.
Electrics were ok,
I was getting Goodridge brake line anyway, so just ordered it a couple of inches longer,
clutch would still work (had to route it outside of the plastic cover on the frame that it should run through) but got a bit tight on left (or was it right!) turn of the bars, so I made one up that was slightly longer. Being able to use the original was handy though, specially if you have to wait for a clutch cable kit, and are very impatient, like me!