Detent Spring R&R

Actually I just put it back together after lubing the detent bearing and it's been fine ever since, how's that for a kick in the head! I put both the water pump O-rings in also and replaced the WP hoses.
Am i missing the clutch removal part to get to spring? How did you remove the nut that holds it on?
Am i missing the clutch removal part to get to spring? How did you remove the nut that holds it on?
Impact if you're talking about removing the 22 mm clutch basket nut. The rattle gun works well. Oh and if you have leftover old fibers and steel you can make you own tool by drilling and bolting a few together. I've done that used the triumph cheap plastic tool and rattle gun nut on and off. Now I only use the rattle gun
I got the EBC clutch tool to hold it for the impact, quality steel tool that works well.
After yesterdays ride it would appear that I am about to perform this repair too. Had a quick chat to my local little bike shop today, He's not real keen to do it and says about 1k to do it if he has to. Now I just need to work out the best place to get parts from here in Aus. I'd love a physical workshop manual but it looks like all that's available are the E-manuals.
I have both. The good thing about the E file is you can print off the pertinent pages and once you done throw the dirty sheets away. If you find a post by IDK in his signature he has a "how to in the detent spring." Step by step instructions. I haven't looked it it because I am versed in rocket wrenching. It will take you about 4 hours. I've torn into the engine before so if I was to go at it hard I think I can get darn close to two hours and test riding.
I am just about to close mine back up. It was rather easy. I will calculate my cost, but if you have the time and the tools do it yourself. Around $7 USD for the detent spring; I bought a cover gasket around $15 USD but may not need one; I didn't save the coolant or the oil and filter, so factor in that cost.

"IDK" instructions were spot on and "wjb's" imagines helped out a lot. Thank you! The main issue I had was the 22mm centre nut to the input shaft. I purchased an impact wrench (winding gun?); that got the job done in seconds. I didn't have the Triumphs clutch tool, but next time I will get it. Try engaging the rear brake; the nut may come off easier if not using an impact wrench. Threads are counter-clock-wise. And like everyone had issues, pre-Ioading and align the primary gear and backlash eliminator with the crank gear. You need to make sure the oil pump drive pegs with the corresponding holes in the rear of the clutch outer drum before it will drop completely in.

The manual when you get it shows you an alignment hole in drum.

Seated gears.

Tool I used to keep from damaging or weakening spring. Slid right on.

Detent installed

I believe these guys will ship international but may be a little slow.

This place (local to me) got me the part the next day. I picked them up. Let me know if you have issues. I might be able to get them shipped to you if its legal to do so.

I have an older model torque wrench that is missing it's plastic needle. How important is applying the 105 Nm (77.44 ft lbs) on the 22 mm clutch basket nut?
I use a impact to remove my nut after making its location. Then when going back together I use the rattle gun to put it back in the exact place it was when I started it. Then I stake it. I hope that is not the torque wrench you used to set the torque on the spring tower bolts.