Destinations / must see roads and stops


Jun 15, 2016
Southern MD
86' Magna, 2017 R3R
So, 2 of my brothers and my dad try and get together and take a road trip every year. Had only worked out a few times. Looks we're actually going to be able to pull it off this year around Labor day. Heading south of MD and meeting up at Hungry Mothers State Park. Start throwing out any suggestions for routes/ roads/ must sees.........
I reckon that pretty much any direction from there you would find good riding. How many days will y'all be riding?
We lose one after a week, then the other three of us will go home after 2 weeks total. Most of us have done the Tail/ Skwy loop, the devils triangle. The Cobra or Snake near Bristol, will probably head down into Arkansas/ Alabama, Missouri maybe, haven't decided yet. Looking for what we want to see and what roads we want to ride, then plan a rough route around those, then see what happens from there.
Back of the Dragon, obviously. I'm headed that way today, in fact. Check out Burke's Garden (God's Thumbprint) nearby, while you're at it. @warp9.9 recommended that one to me long ago.


Continuing on Hwy 16 north of Tazwell is "The Tail of Dragons" going all the way up near Parkersburg. I may do that tomorrow and will let you know if it's worthwhile.

The Snake, Devil's Triangle you mentioned. I'd add Aces and Eights (some of that route may still be closed) and Copperhead Road. That's @Dr.D and @rainman territory, so they may chime in with more suggestions from that area.

Sounds like a good time- enjoy!
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Back of the Dragon, obviously. I'm headed that way today, in fact. Check out Burke's Garden (God's Thumbprint) nearby, while you're at it. @warp9.9 recommended that one to me long ago.


Continuing on Hwy 16 north of Tazwell is "The Tail of Dragons" going all the way up near Parkersburg. I may do that tomorrow and will let you know if it's worthwhile.

The Snake, Devil's Triangle you mentioned. I'd add Aces and Eights (some of that route may still be closed) and Copperhead Road. That's @Dr.D and @rainman territory, so they may chime in with more suggestions from that area.

Sounds like a good time- enjoy!
We ride the Back of the Dragon sr16 every year up to Wythville and tour a regular route up thru New Castle and back through Paint Bank, great roads you’re right. If in the TOTD area I recommend route 28 from Deals Gap all the way to Walhalla SC. At least ride it to Highlands NC. This route is longer with some open road but has much more to offer than the Dragon. The mountains of NC and TN have more great roads than the named one than you could ride in three weeks of continuous riding. If you add VA and WV then you’ve got two months of tire eating great times. We have toured the area extensively and have many favorite three and four day trips.

Good riding to ya all.
If you get to Arkansas you should head to Eureka Springs, great rides all over that area. I can also recommend the Bavarian Inn for dinner, good eats and beer last time I ws there.
It's been awhile, so my route memory may be slightly off. The total distance covered was around 5300 miles, and included 20 or so states...can't remember because some were literally, crossing the border, taking a pic of the welcome sign and then heading back on our way, including hitting 4 states at once at the Four Corners. We started in MD, then rode through VA, WV, and PA up to OH to pickup one of my brothers. Then headed through KY into IN and met up with another one of my brothers who had headed North from AL. From there we went through IL, MO, OK, TX and NM and had to stay a few days somewhere in AZ when my brother wrecked his Harley. We got his bike patched up and then headed NE to the Four Corners and checked off CO and UT. Hit up Million Dollar Hwy and Pike's Peak. My other brother had an issue with the drive shaft on the '81 Goldwing he was riding so we ended up finding a junkyard that had the parts we needed and they got a Uhaul and loaded the bike in that while my dad and I rode ahead to get the parts. We met up in a hotel near Denver and fixed the bike in the back of the Uhaul that night so he could get under way the next morning. After that we headed to SD and the Black Hills and hit up Crazy Horse, "Needles Parkway" and then Rushmore on the way to Deadwood, Spearfish and Sturgis with a quick pop across the WY border. After Sturgis we went through the Badlands and IA on our way back east. Split off from one of my brothers and then escorted the other back to OH before heading back to MD. We did some cool terrain and sites over that 2 week trip.

This year we did more of an Appalachia Trip. MD, VA, OH, WV, TN, KY, TN, NC and I ended up coming home after just about a week to escort my parents after my mom was having a monster toothache and needed to get a tooth pulled. We hit the OH "Triple Nickel", the Trail of Dragons, Back of the Dragon, The Snake, and a few other roads that I've done before, but we had my Sister In Law on her own bike for the first time so we revisited some stuff. My brothers try and go every year, I shoot for every other year with them.