Desperate for diagnosis!!


.020 Over
Oct 19, 2009
Bentonville, AR
I am desperate to get my 2006 Rocket Classic running correctly. However, the boys at Triumph in Tulsa tell me the "computer says nothing is wrong with her" dispite to ride it and listen to it any one could tell you something was not right. I am in desperate need for ideas as to what might be the problem.

It all started when I first started her up this spring after sitting all winter. I had not had her on a charger and the battery was low. My winters usually afford the monthly ride, however, this year I did not. So I put the charger on her, started her up and went for a 30 mile ride. I noticed when I came back into our small town, without touching the throttle she was running about 2000 rpm. Even giving her a quick goosse, she continued to run a bit fast, but I thought nothing about it.

Then I head 1300 miles to Daytona, and she ran horribly. Going through Memphis, it was hard to hold her back. At some stops she would idle at 3000 rpm's, in addition to of kind of bucking while running. Simular to a fuel injection/fuel filter type problem.
On the way home, on the highway she would run full out, as long as there was a demand put on her. However, to hold her at a cruising 75mph-80 mph she would occasionally kinda belch or buck on you. At first I thought it was a fuel issue. So I tried additives, etc. I also noticed that it was not a constant problem, and that at some stops if she was running fast, simply swithcing off the motor and restarting would kinda "reset" her and she might run better.
The problem was, that holding her back in 55 mph, or town traffic caused the engine to get hot. To the point it would red light. I cant imagine how hot that would have been on the liquid cooled engine!
At Opaloosas, LA I decided it was not worth ruining my Rocket and called a buddy to come trailer me back home. We left the Rocket at the dealer in Tulsa. A week later he called and said that she was ready, and that they had "reset the trottle boddies" and that they had probably been knocked out of whack from a low battery. They also did her 30k mile check up and changed all the fluids. They said she was ready and I could pick her up. I made the 150 mile trip to get her the next Saturday. When I started her up she ran very well, and we paid the $xxx.00 and left. After getting her on hwy169 and cutting acorss town. In 20 miles she started bucking again. Not realy dying, but just kinda lurching. I turned around and headed back to the dealer. On the way she even died at one stop sign.
When I returned to the dealer I said she was still running rough. He said he would take a look at her, and when he went to move her, you could hear through the exhaust, that she was not running right. I saw a tech leave on her and come back. Then the lead tech left and came back. They told me that they had both rode her, and HOOKED HER UP TO THE COMPUTER but it didnt show anything.
They also said I could leave her, but at this point my confidence in their abbilities was deminishing.
Now my Rocket continues to belch and fart, sometimes idles fast, and at other times, you have to give it major gas just to keep it from dying when taking off.
I am in desperated need of information on what it might be, someone in the SW Missouri, SE Kansas, NW Arkansas, NE Oklahoma area who may be able to diagnose and fix my beloved bike.
Can someone help me please?!?!?!?

Check battery cables both at battery, starter, and block ground to start with. Check all those dam vaccum hose under the tank going to the purge tank, and tanking betwwen the thottle bodies.
Those come to mind as ghost issues that I have seen show up on other auto/motorcycles, and our bikes have the ability to have this problem, and not be tracked down with a computer or found to there is a complete failure.
Also do you still have a Cat?
sounds like your TPS is bad to me.
The guys at Tulsa put her on their scanner and the scanner "says" there's nothing wrong.
That's what the scanner says when the TPS is bad, i know, been there done that.
Order a new TPS and have them install it.
Then do a 12 minute tune in their parking lot and she's fixed.
They didn't particularly like it when I "insisted" they put a new TPS on mine,
but after the 12 minute tune, she was right as rain.
Might clean your crank angle sensor too.
Do that first as it's free to do,
but your problem sounds like the Primary TPS to me.
Primary Throttle Position Sensor. Unquestionable. Most often it will not show up on the diagnostics. Your symptoms are classic and, yes, frightening at times.

With a 2006 (mine is too), the Primary TPS will have a black interior (only viewable after removal). The replacemnt part has a blue interior. It is very important to get the new one with the blue interior.

The Primary TPS is the one on the right side of the throttle bodies when viewed from the side (or towards the rear of the bike). Do not confuse it with the Secondary TPS which is towards the front of the bike.

Another possibility, although unlikely, is the crank position sensor located near the starter. You can clean it easily to eliminate it as a possible cause of your problems.
Check battery cables both at battery, starter, and block ground to start with. Check all those dam vaccum hose under the tank going to the purge tank, and tanking betwwen the thottle bodies.
Those come to mind as ghost issues that I have seen show up on other auto/motorcycles, and our bikes have the ability to have this problem, and not be tracked down with a computer or found to there is a complete failure.
Also do you still have a Cat?

sounds like your TPS is bad to me.
The guys at Tulsa put her on their scanner and the scanner "says" there's nothing wrong.
That's what the scanner says when the TPS is bad, i know, been there done that.
Order a new TPS and have them install it.
Then do a 12 minute tune in their parking lot and she's fixed.
They didn't particularly like it when I "insisted" they put a new TPS on mine,
but after the 12 minute tune, she was right as rain.
Might clean your crank angle sensor too.
Do that first as it's free to do,
but your problem sounds like the Primary TPS to me.

Primary Throttle Position Sensor. Unquestionable. Most often it will not show up on the diagnostics. Your symptoms are classic and, yes, frightening at times.

With a 2006 (mine is too), the Primary TPS will have a black interior (only viewable after removal). The replacemnt part has a blue interior. It is very important to get the new one with the blue interior.

The Primary TPS is the one on the right side of the throttle bodies when viewed from the side (or towards the rear of the bike). Do not confuse it with the Secondary TPS which is towards the front of the bike.

Another possibility, although unlikely, is the crank position sensor located near the starter. You can clean it easily to eliminate it as a possible cause of your problems.

I would say all of the above are correct and need to be checked starting with rplacing the vac line running from the Throttle bodies to the a 4 way vac plug then to the map sensor. Replace them don't try to see if they are ok as they are cheap priced a couple bucks. Next each Throttle body has a plug on an extra vacuum port with plugs that go bad also. and the rear one has two plugs change them they dry rot also. Use copiuos amounts of WD-40 to clean all linkages by the stepper motor and the linkage springs in between the three throttle bodies to make sure they are not sticking. Now the Primary TPS is bad especially if it has never been changed change it. Then you need to do a full Idle stepper control voltage reset. This synchronizes both throttle position sensors primary and secondary with the idle stepper motor and the engine map in the ecu. Once this is done you can sort out whether the surging is a bad idle stepper motor or bad signals from the TPS units.

If your Dealer says these stepps are wrong ask him where he buys his dope from so you can purchase some and become as stupid as his Technicians are. Oh and let people on this site know to as they might want to catch a buzz also.

When this is done and your riding your bike pissed at Triumph remember the company did not hire the techs your dealer did and I would say they have maybe One More Operating Brain Cell the a Dead Cow

Oh and my 06 did the same until I installed the new style primary TPS
Hope theis helps the only other suggestion I would have is maybe you can find another Captain in your area to help you do this with tune boy or tune ecu. You will meet a good guy and learn how easy it is.

To bad you did not make it to Daytona Bike week I could have done it for you as I always carry a extra TPS down there I had three, along with the tools and everything to do the job with me.
Not a big fan of my local dealer,
i agree with all the guys,,,, TPS:)