Decided to get a r3 touring

Congrats on that touring! I have a 2010 Touring. Put a LOT of stuff into it and on it after I got it. You mentioned a slight oil leak.. I had a little one a couple of years ago from a corner of the sump plate. Tried to tighten those small bolts and broke three off. They do not take much torque!! I replaced the gasket and bought all new bolts and have had no problems since.
The slight seep on the bottom of the bike seems so small I will just wipe her clean once in a while and not worry about it. If it picks up or starts leaving oil on the garage floor then i will have to do more. I tried to tighten a couple bolts but my torque wrench immediately clicked so they were tight enough. Love my new tourer, got the locking gas cap now and I ordered a taller windscreen for the cold months.
I put a clearview shield on her, just right no turbulence but can still see over it. I have put 1250 miles on my touring and really like the bike. To tell you the truth at first I was not happy bike seemed very heavy. After a few rides that feeling went away and it is just comfortable and nice. Love the two tone. Could use a little more volume from the pipes but dont really want to spend 3k getting it done.
Your experience mirrors mine almost exactly (apart from the screen) these bikes are a little top heavy at car park speeds but handle it a lot better than the other rockets with the humongous rear tyres (imo) but as you found out, put a few hrs on one and it all becomes effortless.
I actually like the Tor's, a bit muted but not tiring on a long ride. Check out "Meerkat Mufflers" you might be surprised at what he can do, he's a good guy, yes he's in Australia but a quick email can't hurt.
Like you I had corrosion issues on the front end, so paint stripper to get rid of the clear varnish then elbow grease, I like the idea of powder coating but having had a black car once, will probably go with silver.
My only real complaint is the fuel capacity or rather lack of it, 22Ltr's go juice for a 2.3Ltr engine in countries like the US or Australia where it's easy to go 100 miles between petrol pumps seems a bit skinny, my 2.2L suv has similar fuel consumption and a 60Ltr tank, I suppose it's all about keeping the top end weight reasonable, but given how inaccurate the fuel gauge is I carry a little 5Ltr can of juice just in case, because you ain't going to be pushing one of these very far.
Not sure if it's just mine or whether it's a trait of the T's but it can wallow a bit on bends, 70mph and leant over fairly hard hit a bump and she goes into a series of swaying/wallowing, not really dangerous but a bit disconcerting when it first happens, probably my fault for riding it like a sport bike.
So all up +1 for comfortable and nice, -1 for range and corrosion resistance, they're a unique beast and not for everyone, but I wont be selling my two tone blue any time soon.
When I bought the R3T it also suffered from vibration. Especially in the upper rev range. It wasn't dangerous, but very uncomfortable. I replaced the fuel map and now it runs smooth like an electric motor. I use Shinko tires. Tour Master in front. Rear SE 890 Journey. I feel very safe with them. And above all, the front one has very good durability.
grmblz, I love the blue two tone very nice. I definately feel that the touring handles much better that the roadster. My bike is super stable they repacked the head bearings before I got it. I always top off the tank when riding, did not one time in north dakota and its not a good feeling seeing the low fuel light on and wondering if your are going to make it before running out.
Manny, I just might have to try the shinkos, thought about it but never have bought any before.
FWIW: I've got Avon Cobra's on mine, a gentle "slide" if you overcook it, very controllable, yeh probably going too quick, a bit sticky and probably not too long lived but I'm very conscious of this and temper my right wrist on acceleration. Time will tell, currently got about 1500 miles on them and no real noticeable wear, but if you're a boy racer off the lights the rear is going to suffer quite badly I think (no evidence just experience with this sort of thing, I'm 70 lol)
Hey there Grmblz . I've had my R3T since 2017 and have to agreed with you that it leave a lot to be desired as far as size of fuel tank & that It eats up batteries . Change mine every 3 riding seasons Otherwise I cannot find fault with it . Been through parts of Canada & Northern USA . Definitely a dream machine . Even has a different the map . Just wants to eat up the road .