Dealer Review

Here's a YouTube video showing how to break the bead yourself with a 2X4. It works, but usually not as easily as the video shows.

I take my rim and tire to the local Honda shop in Tulsa. They do a great job at a good price when it comes to replacing tires. Do the balancing myself. Have had no problems with tires cupping or bouncy rides since balancing my own tires.
How messy is it when you pull that tire off after using this stuff?

Centrifugal force keeps it out in the center point of the tire & it takes a bit to settle out of that position after they've stopped spinning, so if you do a tire change just go out & spin em up a bit before dismounting & the wheels will still be mostly clean. What cleanup is need is easily done with just water
Positive experience at Harley, said it was easy, no charge.... score.

That'd be Northwest HD in Lacey.