Daymaker Type Headlights (Chinese Copies)

I just got my halo LED headlight "installed" (the same as @Claviger and @leatal ) with MUCH MUCH patience from and thanks to @leatal for answering all of my questions along the way!

I'm so close to being done. My only hangups at the moment are:

  1. Getting the lights centered. I'm not using the notched ring that was in there originally. Word is they are stable without it, but I'm trying to get the light centered and tighten it up without scratching the crap out of it with the black bezel/retaining ring. Any tips?
  2. It would seem the bezel has a front and a back - which I didn't realize when I removed it. The shape is ever so slightly different on either side. Anybody know which way they go or perhaps have a pic of their own that would show? I THINK I have them right, but don't want to take them off again unless I have to, as the metal trim is so sharp and I don't want to scratch the lenses.
  3. Is there some kind of secret to those bezels? I feel like I had to manhandle them around the new headlights and headlight housing. Perhaps I'm missing something?
  4. My amber halos that I have wired as turn signals are blinking rapidly. @leatal said he didn't need a relay, but I don't know why mine would be blinking fast. Any ideas? I ordered the recommended relay that should be here in a few days just in case. My tail lights are still incandescent bulbs.

Other than that...I think it is going to be a winner! They look great!

If any of you could help shed some experienced light on any of these, I'd be most thankful!

Thanks for your help, friends!
The bezels go small diameter toward the rider.
Aligning can be tricky as the steel reinforcement in the headlight bucket may interfere with the led housing. Some small/slight trimming may be required.
Regarding the bezels, just be patient (and have them oriented correctly). They will go on without much fuss. If you are unsure, fit without the light and it will be apparent which way is right. And if you got them on they are right!
The steel alignment plate is not used.

I dont have any ideas regarding your other lighting issue....
Thank you @Jvheli for the informative reply! This is helpful! I figured out my flashing issue - installed an $8 relay and it’s all good!