Daymaker Type Headlights (Chinese Copies)

Are you going to try to jam it under the stock lens or make up a mount on your existing guard?

I want a cheap used undamaged rear fender to customise for a different LEDtail/brake light.
Well not to a mate of a mate here it wasn't. He was given a suspended custodial sentence. To this day he still does not see why. Oh well!.

Running blue lights is a bad pinch.
Running flashing blue gets you in the bucket for impersonating!
I think though, after digesting. The solid option is ON or OFF - so in Tail/Brake config you're a bit stuffed.

Here btw - an alternative Vertex™ - Whelen Engineering Automotive

  • Built in flasher with 37+ selectable flash combinations, sync-able between multiple units, TBT (Turn/Brake/Tail) Light Function.
Program P36 'Steady Burn' and then decide if for tail or brake light - at 18w maybe too bright for a Tail anyway.