That large box is empty.
Has baffles that re-route the exhaust path is all.
The CATs are in each muffler.
You will notice a huge weight difference with TORs and more with a header system.
Who makes the pipe on the right ?

Don't any of you guys read the whole thread!
Regarding the CAT: For the 2017 R3R the CAT is built into the crossover between the header and the silencers. I eliminated the CAT by replacing with the Motexpro CAT 1 into 2 by-pass.

We can excuse faradayblue's variable model year (my own bike's compliance plate states manufactured 12/2009 but it is a Model Year 2010 R3R), and although his OEM crosspipe did not have a cat as 1olbull stated the new crossover should still give much better flow.
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Sorry about the variable model year ... definitely a 2016 R3R.
I have put about 400 km on the 2016 R3R so far this spring and I'm delited with the feel of the bike and with the handling. I also like the deep rich sound from the exhaust. The deceleration popping bothers me a bit, however I think I'm learning to control this with technique. Not great on the gas - just topped up the tank for a second time. Still taking it easy on the throttle during the break in period.