Dave Platt Exhaust

Doesn’t removing the cat increase the flow? If not, why would there be more popping on decel? What do you have to do to fit the PCV?
when the ECU is cracked the MOT won't be an issue if the re-map is on the rider profile only, or would they check all the profiles?
There is decel pop with stock exhaust, you just can't hear it very well with cat in place, open exhaust amplifies it and you can really hear it.
It could cure the popping but If they decide to start checking emissions on MOTs which I don’t think is far away it could be an issue!
Here they already do. An OLD model R3 with a PCV corrective MAP WILL NOT pass the Euro3 tests. New EU4/5 are really lean (to pass) and over a MUCH wider rev range. Also (theoretically) the ECU has to be tamper-proof. Is the 2.5ECU still Keihin?
Doesn’t removing the cat increase the flow?
Maybe or maybe not. It's not just flow that matters though. Wave pulses, flowed volume etc.

Don't get me wrong - I am as keen as the next petrol-head to get more for less. But I am seeing elsewhere documented proof that some aftermarket decat cans rob power far more notably on many EU5 systems, and not just a bit. We also saw this on the famous ZARD PENTA (the "bean can" collector later plagiarized by Mr Platt) for the 2.3L R3. Power lost.
Others did indeed add power, but with alot of DYNO time and trial and error.

But a lot of modern engines are designed by quarter million dollar computers with some really good detail orientated "digital" engineers - aiming to get the max output without compromising selling them (which is the aim after all) by being non-legally-compliant. Not somebody with a welding torch in a shed just saying - that looks about right, let's do that!.

No offense to the men in sheds, where there's a will - there's a way. But more unburnt fuel will mean emmisions fails.
Here they already do. An OLD model R3 with a PCV corrective MAP WILL NOT pass the Euro3 tests. New EU4/5 are really lean (to pass) and over a MUCH wider rev range. Also (theoretically) the ECU has to be tamper-proof. Is the 2.5ECU still Keihin?
I thought about putting a booster plug on the new R3 As a temporary band-aid fix however booster plug folks say they won't produce one because it's too hard to get to the AIT sensor
Here they already do. An OLD model R3 with a PCV corrective MAP WILL NOT pass the Euro3 tests. New EU4/5 are really lean (to pass) and over a MUCH wider rev range. Also (theoretically) the ECU has to be tamper-proof. Is the 2.5ECU still Keihin?
I’m not sure to be honest I haven’t put much thought into it yet, I’m just enjoying watching the new exhausts getting bolted on with zero concern for fuelling and total commitment to what a seller told them.... still early days yet, nothing is totally tamper proof, someone will crack it eventually I would think but it needs to be worth it for them to make the effort.
...I’m just enjoying watching the new exhausts getting bolted on with zero concern for fuelling and total commitment to what a seller told them....
You are a bad man!.
still early days yet, nothing is totally tamper proof, someone will crack it eventually I would think but it needs to be worth it for them to make the effort.
2 years in and nobody has 100% managed to crack the KTM790Duke - and there is a HUGE amount of sales potential there. There are piggy back solutions - but none of them are anywhere near to fully overriding without error. A few EU5 "systems" (notably Bosch) are using a variable timed signal to poll the Lambda sensors. The resistor mod simply fails. They work, but you get an error light on ALL THE TIME. Fine for a track bike - but on the road that'd get old real quick.

I must be getting old too. I'm sort of past the bother of messing about. I am now happy to live vicariously through the posts of @RICHARD ALBANS , @R-III-R Turbo etc. God bless them.
I thought about putting a booster plug on the new R3 As a temporary band-aid fix however booster plug folks say they won't produce one because it's too hard to get to the AIT sensor
There is an Italian company that does Lambda foolers - Apparently they do to some extent work. Professional opinion seems to differ - a bit 50:50.
But they don't list the R3 either, 2.3 or 2.5.