we both saw the results of that ride on the sidewalls of the tire and thats all this is about USING A CAR TIRE on a motorcycle IM not acting tough we simply gave you the facts as it happened
I'm still very confused about all this talk of riding on the sidewalls. Here's a utube clip of a Goldwing running Darkside, scraping pegs. He's nowhere near the rubbing the writing off the sidewalls, or any part of the sidewall for that matter. Did someone take their pegs and pipes off and put their feet on the tank so they could lean over enough run on the sidewalls
I'm still very confused about all this talk of riding on the sidewalls. Here's a utube clip of a Goldwing running Darkside, scraping pegs. He's nowhere near the rubbing the writing off the sidewalls, or any part of the sidewall for that matter. Did someone take their pegs and pipes off and put their feet on the tank so they could lean over enough run on the sidewalls
WELL I SEE HOW LITTLE THE CONTACT PATCH IS WHEN CORNERING AND THAT GOLD WING CERTAINLY SCRAPES EARLY -ITS not leaned over at much of an angle BUT theres hardly any of the tire contacting the road when turning
Pete, I don't ride a GW, I ride an R3. Trrust me, it will run up to an inch and a half to two inches up on the sidewall when leaned and ridden hard. There are pics of the aftermath of doing this on a prolonged basis by a fella' named Rocket UK over on the .com site. His "TOYO" lettering on the sidewall was practcally erased from wear!
Well, this is a Darkside thread .... It seems to draw folks who are interested in Running car tires rather than Metzlers or Avon. At least for the short time I've been here, the discussion and "arguments" have been about which size and brand car tire to use. The sheer numbers of Darksiders dispells the old wives tale that car tires cannot be used on a motorcycle. That fact speaks for itself and your going to have a fight on your hands if you stop by a place like this and preach the opposite. Art knew this before he posted his first comment about the evils of car tires. What I'm saying is that these guys are right, he started it and had to know someone would disagree with his comments here on a car tire thread. What do you expect, Darksiders to up and admit he's right? That Arts anti-car tire comments are just what they needed to realize it's all been a dream and they should run right out to get their tires replaced? Does he think he's the mesiah, here to convert the sinners back to motorcycle tires? WTF ?!
Hell, he's made comments about other **** that didn't make sense either .... I still think it's done on purpose just to be mean.
Pete, I don't ride a GW, I ride an R3. Trrust me, it will run up to an inch and a half to two inches up on the sidewall when leaned and ridden hard. There are pics of the aftermath of doing this on a prolonged basis by a fella' named Rocket UK over on the .com site. His "TOYO" lettering on the sidewall was practcally erased from wear!
hahahahaha. you sure he wasn't lying on his side going round in circles Phil ?
I'll have to get on to the UK site and see if I can find him. Not that I doubt you for one minute....it's just that I would have thought you'd lose all traction well before reaching the lettering. Thanks.....you learn something new every day
Well, this is a Darkside thread .... It seems to draw folks who are interested in Running car tires rather than Metzlers or Avon. At least for the short time I've been here, the discussion and "arguments" have been about which size and brand car tire to use. The sheer numbers of Darksiders dispells the old wives tale that car tires cannot be used on a motorcycle. That fact speaks for itself and your going to have a fight on your hands if you stop by a place like this and preach the opposite. Art knew this before he posted his first comment about the evils of car tires. What I'm saying is that these guys are right, he started it and had to know someone would disagree with his comments here on a car tire thread. What do you expect, Darksiders to up and admit he's right? That Arts anti-car tire comments are just what they needed to realize it's all been a dream and they should run right out to get their tires replaced? Does he think he's the mesiah, here to convert the sinners back to motorcycle tires? WTF ?!
Hell, he's made comments about other **** that didn't make sense either .... I still think it's done on purpose just to be mean.
HERE WE GO AGAIN this is a discussion about the pros and cons of using a CAR TIRE on a motorcycle thats it and there isnt one tire engineer that will tell you that its OK to run a CT on a BIKE so stop with the mesiah reference you keep trying to make this PERSONAL its not YOU can and will run any tire you want and no one is trying to stop you WE are just giving you the facts and you and others can do whatever you like with your bike WE dont all have to agree SO again I say CANT WE JUST ALL GET ALONG and have some FUN talking about our ROCKETS even if mine is the FASTEST JUST KIDDING