
I have no dog in this fight, but there is a principle called 'Proof of Concept'. Since most won't look it up it is:

"Proof of concept is a realization of a certain method or idea to demonstrate its feasibility, or a demonstration in principle, whose purpose is to verify that some concept or theory has the potential of being used."

The Darkside guys proved that car tires on motorcycles work. They have 'Proof of Concept' on their side. It is feasible and it has a potential of being used. Is it the ideal situation for all? Obviously not. But for those that say it is not workable, are wrong. I'm not sure I would do it, but I applaud those that think outside the box and give it a try.
Plenty of people have proven that being gay works for them but I sure as he11 don't need to try it to know that I don't want to. I guess on that topic I really am a tight arse . Just because something fits doesn't mean it belongs there. If someone claims it works for them all it proves is that they believe it works for them.
Same with tyres.

Given that Hands is so desperately keen that everyone needs to try things before having an opinion, I suggest that he should eat a dick.
I have an opinion about car tires on bikes. I dont think they should be on bikes. However I am open minded enough to try this as I have never personally done this on the Rocket. I did on my Valkyrie and can say it was a not a comfortable ride to me.

I am going to try the dark side on my Roadster. After watching this thread I just have to see what all the fuss is about. Who knows I may like it. This is like when the news media keeps giving some moron too much press. Suddenly they become famous or interesting, even though they do not deserve it or have any real value. I have always been willing to try new things. Except the gay thing. I feel confident I would not like that ugliness. I hope you guys can come to terms with your ideology on the dark side.

But Daytonageo nailed it. I need proof that this is either unsafe or safe, but I will never know without my own personal valid testing and data.

I will keep you a breast of my findings. It will have to wait until the new Avon has given up on traction and grip. But I will try this Dark Side and perhaps I will be able to have a passionate discussion on the real pros and cons of this extreme tire debate.

I do like the gay analogy!
I do not like the *****part.

I also respectfully disagree with the @HansO statement, "guys like the car tyres because of the fact they grip better in all conditions"
There is absolutely no legitimate testing or science that even begins to back this opinion up.
No dunce cap?

@HansO we can play nice, so respond to my comment if you wish.
or PM, perhaps?