gotta say though the bit where the guy from harley says every tyre is designed for the bikes characteristics makes me laugh i agree to a point but it is funny how u can walk into say a triumph dealership and everybike in there has metzelers on it lol i dont think they took the characteristics into consideration at all they just put on whatever metz fits the rim as they are the supplier of their tyres
im still not ever trying one but i keep an opened mind also
You obviously have a reading deficit as I DID NOT (is that clear enough for you) say cheap I don't buy by price, unlike some I buy because in mine and quite a few others Opinion the better Grip, What I said was I was prepared to gamble that I might possibly waste my money on trying the Bridgestone (which it wasn't as if I ever have to buy a bike tyre I will buy a Bridgestone) but you my Tight Arse fellow won't spend the money to gamble on the fact that after a few hundred km's you might actually like it.
The main difference between you and I is that I was open minded enough to at least try it.
There I have tried to make it little clearer for your small ex-public servant brain to comprehend or do I have to Highlight it for you, the reason I am one of the only ones to reply to your DS attacks is I don't ignor Fool like you is because the others are to busy laughing at you!! so the Joke is on You
That's right, I'm a tight arse for buying motorcycle tyres.
Sorry about being an ex public servant but I guess I just wasn't smart enough to get a job stacking shelves or delivering pizzas.
That's right, I'm a tight arse for buying motorcycle tyres.
Sorry about being an ex public servant but I guess I just wasn't smart enough to get a job stacking shelves or delivering pizzas.
Yes you should bash your head against the wall as you are only showing the world the level of intelligence you have to offer.
You best go back to school as it oblivious you can not read English, I never suggested that you are tight for buying a motorcyles tyre only that you are to thick headed to understand that so many guys like the car tyres because of the fact they grip better in all conditions, granted some may buy them as they are cheaper, I said you were too tight to gamble the cost of a car tyre in case you might actually end up liking it and then have to admit you were wrong
Not that it really matters but stacking shelves and delivering pizza (formerly as I gave up the pizza delivery to spend more time with my beautifull wife) are/were only part time jobs, I am qualified in several Industral trades as well as you managed to conveniently forget my main job these day is a Aged Care Personel assistant also known as a AIN and proud to be able to make the last years, months,weeks or days as comfortable as possible so they can pass on with dignity, you on the other hand are in the perfect job for someone of your integrity a Bloody Used (and some new)Motorcycle Salesman which are rated about the same as a used car sales man where every second word that come from your mouth is Bullsh1t, I would love to actually see answer this with out the usual name calling but Carry on as it amuses me to see you show the world the real You.
Besides it gives me something to laugh at and to do while it is quiet at times here at work