Darkside comments from Triumph INC???

my biggest concern is will my insurance cover me if I get in a wreck or something...
I'm pretty sure triumph will cover anything that is not caused by any additions i do.

It was never an issue when the kid pulled out in front of me and totaled my Suzuki!
Why all the fuss about a tire. Nobody evers ask about Tuneboy, PCIII, K&N filters, Dyna beads, Beatle bags, Russell Daylong, Jar's, Kuri mirrors or Flip's Brake line clamp. Come on its just another mod. Do you think you should check with Mama every time you loosen a bolt................:soapbox:
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You got a Day Long? My wife was just complaining about the seat this morning. I told her, "a thousand bucks and a weekend road trip!"
She said , "maybe next year" as we are planning a mission trip to Kenya in August.
your triumph serviceman is your triumph ears and eyes just build up a relationship with him and you got it made. when i would bring in my rim to get a new tire put on id bring in a box of doughnuts iv got jardines tuneboy k&n filter mod, i do my own oil changes and they know i ride hard and pull the front tire off the ground on a regular basis, its in for the upgrade works and they said i don't have anything to worry about as far as any warranty concerns. they just want the valve check done there so they can prove that part. they are doin that for free with the upgrade kit.
My dealers answer to the trailer hitch thing was . . . its got the same size motor as a Ford Ranger . . . whats the big deal?
Ride Straight Dark Riders

I get the idea is that if you own a dark side you only ride in a straight line?
