Darkside comments from Triumph INC???


Jun 24, 2007
Hope y all having a warm day!!!!:D

Has anyone written Triumph INC and rec'd their comments of using the car tire? I would really like to hear from Triumph.......not that they have an agenda with Metz but what their data or no data comments would be? Would be interesting what attributes are considered by the triumph Company to decide on the tire for the R3.

Give me an address I would be happy to write and report

71 degrees at Flagler Beach Florida!!!! :cool:BIKE WEEK IS COMING!!
As far as I can ascertain, Triumph is less than overjoyed about car tires or trailer hitches.

If you have a car tire on the bike or a trailer hitch and you take the bike in for service of any kind and a RO is made out, in the comments section, the technician will note the prescence of a car tire or trailer hitch on the bike.

I would presume that the notation has to do with any future warranty claims much like the addition of a sidecar voids the warranty.

In as much as a fair number of Rockets seem to suffer from mechanical problems (mine included) I consider it advantageous not to incite Triumph to deny a warranty claim for any reason, whether it's a car tire, trailer hitch or some other add-on that might, in their eyes, nullify the warranty.
Take a close gander at the warranty. Should you fail to meet the required service interval(s) the warranty may be void. You can rest assured they won't welcome anyones dark side indulgences. It's better to act in ignorance and ask for forgiveness, than to ask for permission and get turned down.
Take a close gander at the warranty. Should you fail to meet the required service interval(s) the warranty may be void. You can rest assured they won't welcome anyones dark side indulgences. It's better to act in ignorance and ask for forgiveness, than to ask for permission and get turned down.

Ignorance is bliss!!!! Our new america seems to include this word to enhance those that put no effort into their contibution to society!!! :rolleyes:

Dear Triumph,
I was wanting to use a dark side tyre on my Rocket. Will this void my warranty.

Dear Owner,
You will loose your warranty and we will confiscate your life's possessions if you don't buy Metzler tyres.
They cannot void your warranty. They can only elect to not pay for a claim provided the part you installed could be deemed contributory to the failure.

You replace back tire with something other than what is specified by Triumph.
Your cam chain/tensionor/knutston valve fails.
Provided you were up on your maintenance and no other mods that could be considered in line with that failure point.....triumph covers claim.
my biggest concern is will my insurance cover me if I get in a wreck or something...
I'm pretty sure triumph will cover anything that is not caused by any additions i do.