Once I load HansO's tune I'm going to let him run my bike just to see how much HP is getting to the rear wheel. I'll tell you what... the bike likes this cold air. I runs noticeably harder. I'll let you know how he does and what it cost and stuff.
We live in a litigious society. Business owner insurance is expensive. Law suits SUCK!
I do not blame business owners for being very wary of attorneys looking for deep pockets!

I know OdBull but, if this set up was killing bikers left and right it would be part of the conversation. We would all know someone who crashed and burned while riding a CT on their MC. If I go down as a result of ridding a CT on my MC, please start a crusade to stop the madness. What the heck, just prohibit motorcycles all together. And while you are it prohibit all the risky sports and activities and while you are at it, make walking slow and swinging in a rocking chair Olympic sports.

What kills bikers left and right is lack of education and training both of car and bike riders. Most drivers don't even know what the "blind spot" is. Lack of courtesy and common sense while driving, both drivers and bikers. Pre-medication to drive and ride with drugs and alcohol. Distracted drivers operating their cell phones. Poor road conditions. Stupid intersection design. Poor signage of road construction sites and on and on we could go.

We are not a litigious society we are a society at the mercy of litigators and their avaricious ways. OK, I need more coffee and throne session.
Well Said
Thank you for the thumbs up. How do I load the tune in Tune ECU?

Good design. Just put the bike on it's side and scratch her belly. Thumbs up for Honda
WELL all this and the CAR TIRES do not fit on a motorcyle rim correctly they are different designs and CAR TIRES do not fit the safety rims and are dangerous if they deflate from a puncture and they can come off the rim as they dont lock on the safety rim as a motorcycle does and can cause a catastrophic accident SO thats the cause of the accidents on bikes with CAR TIRES I understand they are now illegal in the UK SO I wouldnt think about trying to save a few bucks by using a CAR TIRE on any motorcycle SAFTEY FIRST CHEAPSKATES
Name one instance where the car tire caused the accident
Well 1K9 .... How did it go?
Right Tyre, Right tune, derestricted exhaust .... you should be getting up the road with a sense of smug satisfaction and confidence. Not to mention having joined a group of people who don't believe the earth is flat and know that getting under the kitchen table won't protect you from nuclear fallout .... its what we call in Australia "having a go" or "don't knock it unless it you have tried it".
18 years running a car tire on my Valkyrie and not one issue.