The Mastercraft is not symmetric.
The other one is, and is the better choice in my opinion.
Rode around Australia on an Achilles and it was great - still going strong a year after. Currently running a Bridgestone Supercat, will probably go back to the Achilles in a couple of years when the Bridgestone wears half down ...... don't listen to anyone, you have already made the decision, just do it, persevere, push the bike around a bit harder - you have to work for anything good and you will be rewarded. If you regularly carry a pillion, they will love the softness once they get used to the quirky feelings and you will love being able to grab a gutful of throttle from the apex of corners without that feeling that the rear end might just try to pass the front end putting you on your backside. Get all that Rocket power to the ground .... then go looking for more power to put down .... its an addictive cycle.:D

Longrider, that is advice that I can understand, Thank you. Hope one day we can travel to you continent and ride with you Aussies.

2729.jpg A road Runner is a very fast Bird
1020161221b_HDR.jpg The Lone Star Rocket Riders peeling miles
1020162141_HDR.jpg The chaps telling stories after a long ride to Texas roads heaven, Leakey
0520161154_HDR.jpg An old man on a Rocket 3
3DarkSides.jpg Fat Bottom Girls Make The World Go'Round
Since I started this thread I'll try to tackle this question within my limited capacity. I have been in a room where all of my professional capacities and opinions have been questioned, even ridiculed later for those who did adopt my theories and methods.

It appears to me that car tires work well on motorcycles. If that were not the case, we would no be addressing the subject or question. The second question is a trick question because safety can be questioned by experts minuciously. If you are an expert you might tear me apart. Been there and endured that. If that is your job go at it. At this level this is just a debate among enthusiasts and such debate should be healthy. For example, I practiced a profession for 20 years that has been deemed unsafe by experts. When I was active I would explain to my patients the inherent risks of what I was going to do to them as best as I understood them to be. My patients and I together took the risk of applying forces to their spine. I have been debating with colleagues for years. They have learned and I have learned. Some people fill the debate room with knowledge others with dogma. It's all good.

Safety is relative. How well something works is relative. It only becomes absolute in a forum where an appointed expert opines and his point of view drives the hammer of the law. Motorcycles, cars or even walking can be unsafe. Not to mention riding horses or bicycles, flying, surfing, diving, water skiing, hunting, handling guns, and many other unsafe activities all of which I have undertaken. Have suffered serious personal injury but have recovered and have never injured anyone in the process or blamed anyone for my injuries.

I am a responsible adult. I have contemplated the idea of installing a car tire on a motorcycle rim for quite some time now. I have decided to do so after listening to many forums and opinions. My plan is to experiment with it and, if my senses feel that the tire is "not safe" I will take it off the rim and install an MC tire. I will be extra careful, to the best of my ability, during this experiment. The CT on MCs appears to be safe in my eyes right now. Might it be risky? Probably, just like the first few miles I will ride on my new front tire. Hopefully I don't become statistic as a result of the activity. So sir, if you have a mission to prohibit or prevent motorcyclists from doing something to their equipment or use it or not in a particular way, there are processes that lead to regulations that would accomplish so. Break a leg and go at it.

I don't know who you are, or what your intentions are when you posted those two seemingly innocent questions. What I do know is that the activities that are met with prohibition and regulation in the public's interest can best me modulated with education and training. Sir this is a group/forum of serious enthusiasts, all, in my view, intelligent and responsible and understand that motorsports are dangerous. I take the risk to play and so do my fellow bikers, because motorcycles are a blast to ride specially in a group. And even more so on a Triumph Rocket 3

I did in no way or fashion pretended to insult or offend any one with these lines and, if I did so, I apologize. OK that's it for me now...
HansO thank you for the feedback. Will visit with my primos tire guys to see what they have in stock. My light tune please;) Installing the CAT bypass tomorrow. The PC cable is in transit but it might be here any time.

It's cool outside, Let Ride :ninja:
Rick, @RKTNMYPKT , aka Jim, is a good guy and his question meant to be funny (knowing him), we have rode many miles together, with @HansO , @breeze @1olbull and a few others, you will meet him one of these days, he will become your best friend in less than 5 minutes. i have been at his house in California at least twice and i can tell you, this guy makes some mean ribs!!:thumbsup::)
Rick, @RKTNMYPKT , aka Jim, is a good guy and his question meant to be funny (knowing him), we have rode many miles together, with @HansO , @breeze @1olbull and a few others, you will meet him one of these days, he will become your best friend in less than 5 minutes. i have been at his house in California at least twice and i can tell you, this guy makes some mean ribs!!:thumbsup::)

Don't listen to him Rick! I'm an A hole!
My post was meant to stir up dissension!
Unfortunately nobody would take the bait :oops: