A classic falsely equivalent argument ( the so-called "alternate facts" line of thinking we're hearing about so much, lately) that holds not one drop of water, logically or rationally.
I use ride on in both front and rear tires. My rear tire is a car tire and my front tire is a rear tire... but I don't run with scissors!

As mentioned before, just because you can do it and have done it to date without incident or ill-effect, that don't qualify it as a smart choice. It is an inherently riskier choice and just a matter of the fates (luck of the draw) whether it will bite you where it hurts, Norm.
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If you're gonna' modify any motor vehicle to deliver more speed or power than OEM specs, you'd be pretty dumb not to modify any and all components of said vehicle to handle such add'l speed or power as safely and reliably as possible. Now, any dumb-dumb knows that "speed kills" and climbing tall mountains or surfing giant waves or swimming alone are all inherently true. IFT has done plenty of expert witness work for both the motorcycle industry and for insurors, so maybe he will enlighten you (as we've done before in other similar threads) as to why "[You] can find no reported incidence where a ct caused an accident. No one else seems to be able to either."

We are certainly not positing that if you choose to darkside "you will die if you use a ct", as you stated. That's a false and unsubstantiated arguement or line of reasoning. It can be stated and affirmed, categorically, that mixing such tires and rims adds an increased, existential risk to any rider, any of a rider's passengers and anyone that happens to be proximate enough to a catastrophic tire separation event to be hurt. Of course, we're not beating that old dead horse of the laundry list of other reasons why using car tires on motorcycle rims involves a compromises that nearly all riders who value safety, comfort, responsivenes to rider input, handling, maneuverability, quicker reaction times, etc, over and above $$$, will not only opt for, but will insist upon every time they ride.

You are definitely right about one thing, though, Wannbe. Unless or until the practice is outlawed as it has been elsewher in the world, it is still a choice. Certain members here will always present factual, verifiable information, the "other side" of the purely anecdotal story that is almost always the Darksider's only knowledge base, so that people contemplating the choice can make fully informed decisions for themselves.
How about rolling or parking a CT because it looks cool? Just like riders who install monkey bar on their bikes. That looks pretty dangerous. How about if I promise to check my tire pressures before every ride. I have been known to delay a whole pack of rockets for not doing that. My bike started wiggling like a snake half way through the top of the hills on the northbound leg of the Leakey ride. At least I did not crash.

Bikes are dangerous but they are fun. Just like the babe in a prior post. I don't ride as much as I once did but neither does Toby Keith

I ride the Dark Side because it suits my riding style. I do have to admit that a lot of folks have made some comments about the ct on the back. All have been in positive and in good nature.
To Rick, sonny, Lupe , Hanso and all other CT aficionados, so long as the practice remains legal, it also remains a personal choice. People that might consider Darksiding are entitled to all the facts no matter any individual's preferences.

Well stated!
We, my friend, have NO disagreement!

I would add IMHO, that if used on a large cruiser that one rides prudently and does not push the limits of handling and performance, a CT will work.