Your analogy doesn't hold water. HP is widely variable and its safetu is controlled by the operator. Tires are designed for specific vehicles based upon how they operate and handle.
Maybe you don't think it "holds water", but use your own logic and call any motorcycle company engineer and ask if it's safe to more than double the HP in any given motorcycle. I guessing their answer is going to be no. Motorcycles are engineered to withstand a certain amount of HP and torque. Exceeding these values could cause catastrophic failure. Including lockups due to total transmission, or driveline failure. It is definitely not aerodynamically designed to exceed the 120mph speed limiter that was built into my bike, yet I would wager it is nonexistent on most modified rockets.
I understand and accept the risks with using a darkside tire just as I did when I removed that speed limiter. There's just no reason to pretend that you will die if you use a ct. I can find no reported incidence where a ct caused an accident. No one else seems to be able to either. There are literally thousands of examples of them on the roads. Surely someone who has had problems would be complaining on a forum somewhere if it has happened. I am still looking though.
Btw. Adding that HP is variable and that it's the riders input doesn't really help your argument. Most advances in technology in automotive and motorcycle safety seem to be to protect you from yourself. Stability control, antilock braking, launch control and even applying brakes before you rearend another car. Basically, engineers understand that we are flawed and make bad decisions. They have even figured out a way to read posted speed signs and have your car automatically adjust. I'm just waiting on the implementation of that one.
Don't pay attention, you asked for an opinion and we gave you one, i don't remember you asking for all that negativity provided by the usual suspects,
Back to the darkside. I was a bit hesitant to go with a car tire at first. Now I am glad I did. Most of my riding is done back and forth to work. About 115 to 120 miles a day. The highway traveled is pretty much straight, no sharp turns and very few stops. Average speed is 70 to 75 miles per hour. The car tire is great. Smooth and stable more so than a motorcycle tire. Wet roads I have twice the traction. Not real sure how many miles on the car tire but would guess pushing 6,000 plus. Tire still looks new. Very little wear and no cupping. I am not pulling stats out of my rear this has been my personal experience. The Rocket X was bought in OCT of 2015 and now has 25,000 miles on it. The meltz. was crap and the Avon Cobra was a good tire but did not last very long. I do not ride the Rocket like a sport bike and really have no interest to. I ride the Rocket for what it is, A big bike that is smooth and comfortable and very powerful. Ideal for open highways. The car tire suits my style of riding.
SONNY the issue with the car tire is it does not fit the motorcycle safety rim correctly and that means its a dangerous situation waiting to happen .
YOU now know the CAR TIRES do not fit on a motorcycle saftey rim correctly so its a dangerous condition you want to ignore and thats your choice so be careful
Why would you or anybody hear of a CT crash?
Just another crazy motor rider down!

Regarding a CT "meeting or exceeding any specs for a motorcycle tire", contact ANY automotive, motorcycle or tire engineer and hear what they say!!!

I remember at 17 I had a Honda 750 that was parked in my back yard. A Prudential Life Insurance guy came to my house wanting to set me up in some life insurance policy. He spent an hour telling me how much I'd save and how good it was blah blah blah. As he walked out the door he noticed my bike and asked if it was mine. When I told it was, he actually came out and said no policy if you own a motorcycle.
Did he annoyed the chit out of you for 5 hours telling you how dangerous motorcycles are?