Well I went to the dealer yesterday for the 20235 tune TORS down load and he said that the factory does not use that one any more and he down loaded a new version. Any ways so far so good. I'll run it for now and think about either the Tuneboy or PC in the future.
I priced the D&D's and $674 plus shipping seemed pretty dang high to me. I guess I will stick with the TORS.

NAH, I have the stock ones wrapped up and in the attic, the TORS have good rumble to them especially at WOT. I like the D&D's (thanks for the link} but even at that price and shipping they will still be high. Maybe someone will post wanting some TORS and then I will pull the trigger.

Got the 20235 tune put today. Bike runs great with very crisp throttle response.

Interesting.... my 08 R3T with stock pipes cames standard with the 20235 tune (according to Tuneboy). I put TORS on the bike with an underseat K&N and the bike woke right up. Engine was very responsive with no decel popping. I did notice however the the midrange seemed a bit flat (60 to 80 mph roll ons). I now have downloaded 20258 and opened the secondaries 100% that seemed to fix the mid range issue. Still have great response, sounds good and no popping on decel.

20235 is an older tune. I am surprised they used it whereas there are newer updated tunes for your bike.