D&D's for R3T

Got the 20235 tune put today. Bike runs great with very crisp throttle response.

That's good to hear as I just installed my D&D's with the K&N filter yesterday and took it out for a short spin. I got quite the reaction when I stopped for gas and people looked over when I started the motor. They probably thought it was just another HD and was waiting for the familiar sound they make. The D&D's sound remind me of a sport car. Definitely unique! My wife was making fun of me because of the big grin on my face! I'll be getting the down load this week from my dealer.
Slabs, just so that you go in fully aware of exactly what the Triumph tune does so that you don't kick yourself later, I need to say this even though you probably already heard it.
Triumphs aftermarked exhaust tune compensates for the lower restriction and leaner condition by closing the secondary throttle plates more. No additional fuel, no change in timing, just chokeing off the air to the motor. Performance and power will suffer noticably with this download. It does no favors to gase mileage either.

Thats my public service announcement for the day, like I told heard1 before he decided ... if you don't care about performance now or down the road, and the only interest is in the sound of the exhaust, go ahead with the tune.
Then why does D&D recommend the download after they did the R&D on their own dyno? Makes no sense that they would recommend something that would give less performance. Might as well keep it the way it is with just the pipes, air filter, and no download.
I just compared the 20233 tune (stock) and the 20235 tune (TORS). The TORS tune does restrict the secondaries slightly in the first two gears below 4000 RPMs but in 3rd through 5th it actually opens them slightly more. By 4000 RPMs the TORS tune has the secondaries opened slightly more in all gears.

The biggest change is in the fuel tables where the TORS tune adds fuel throughout. There are also differences in the I tables and the IGN(TP) table. I am assuming these advance timing but I'm not a Tuneboy expert by any stretch so that's just an assumption.

My advice would be to get the TORS tune just for the added fuel. From my dyno runs with the D&Ds the TORS tune was better than the stock tune, but still pretty lean. There are Tuneboy tunes that modify the 20235 tune that will get you more power and bring the A/F ratio into the neighborhood of 13.5:1.
Thanks Harry that was a big help. I'll talk to the dealer about it and see what he says and maybe I'll add a Power Commander. When I talk to him about a Power Commander, he recommend that I do the pipes and filter first with the download and if there was any backfiring then he would do the Power Commander.
Ok, just wanted to pass along my experience with the tune ... what ever you guys think is best should work out fine.

When I installed the D&D's originally, I rode it a couple weeks before doing anything else. The sound was fine and there was no noticable change in the performance. Later I had the Triumph tune loaded thinking it would help open her up some, the bike was seriously slower and had less acceleration when I picked it up from the dealer. I got on the site and asked why, the response I got was that the tune was junk and closed the secondaries more to richen the mix. I wanted to see it for myself so I pulled off the air plenum and watched the TB's while riding. They never did open all the way no matter what I did with the throttle. So on the advice of others here, I took them out and added a PCIII, GiPro and had a good dyno tune done. That solved all my disapointment from the Triumph tune. I'm more than happy with the power since scraping the Triumph aftermarket pipe tune. The results from the dyno were among the highest posted and as good as one could hope for without a supercharger.
Who knows, you might be very satisfied with it ... I wasn't.
Just out of curiosity, do you have an R3T? The tunes are considerably different for the R3T. For instance its hard to imagine the secondaries being closed more than on the stock tune.
At high RPMs and throttle positions both tunes open them 41 and 42 percent.

I would strongly suggest getting a Tuneboy or a Power Commander and removing the secondaries. With Wayne Tripp's tune, by R3T dynod at 142/149at the rear wheel. That's on a model that's rated at 108 HP at the crank stock.

Not wanting to belabor the point, but the TORS tune is better than the stock tune as far as adding fuel. But, its a long way from optimal.

I have to agree with Harry, I love my TORS and the tune. 92 in 3rd is plenty **** fast enough for me and if you ride 55 or less in the state parks I can get 240-250 miles per tank. When I rode this one stock it was not bike it is now. It does pop on decel but that can be virtually eliminated by preparing yourself for stops instead of fast starts and stops. I wonder if the boys that hate the tunes are out west where fuel quality is not the best?
My R3T made those 142/149 numbers on that ethanol laced 89 octane western fuel. So, I suspect fuel is not the issue.