
.020 Over
Aug 18, 2009
Just put the D&D pipes on my bike and did the 12 min tune. They sound really good, now I just need to go to Tulsa to get the TOR tune installed. I was suprised I didn't have any decel popping. I wonder what the other tune will do? The bike runs fine now without out it but it is my understanding that the bike will run fine with the 12 min tune but the TOR will increase power. Will it hurt to ride it until I get the other tune?
Stay away from the Triumph tune, save your pennies and get a PCIII or Tuneboy or even that new whatchamacallit free thing. The Triumph tune just closes off the secondaries even further to richen the mix ... haven't you been paying attention in class young man? The TOR's tune does give you a richer setting, but by choking off the air. The first thing you will notice after picking up the bike is that it's SLOW ... slower than it was prior to installing the aftermarket exhaust. I did it ... I'm guilty ... but with help from the guys, that problem has been corrected. They make me pay them back by warning others :rolleyes:, not really.
Seriously though, stay away from that tune, it will haunt you later.
That is debatable ... some say yes, some say no. Either way you put them on for sound and performance ... my opinion is yes, ride it for now. But I also recomend the PCIII, Triple K&N's, a GIPro and remove the secondaries with a respectable dyno tune when you can afford it.
The other school of thought is TuneBoy, I'm not into that but there are others who will be glad to help should you decide to go that route.
If you don't care about performance, and just got the TOR's for the sound and don't ever plan to upgrade any further AND are okay with even a little LESS performance ... then go ahead with the Triumph tune.
I don't see the harm in a few hundred miles the way it is until you decide, thats what I did and it didn't hurt anything, but thats only my opinion. Lets see what some others have to say about it.
The pipes were tuned using the TOR tune...what gives?
Triumph did create a "tune" for their pipes, true. But it was for safety, mileage and emissions. It will cost you performance to use their tune solely because the only change to the bikes original programming is that the secondary throttle plates remain closed further than they already do now. No other real changes are made to the program, just choking off the air to richen the mix. Sounds silly I know ... but thats what they did. Just in case you didn't know this either .... they program the first three gears to be 7% less available power for safety. The GiPro or Tuneboy is the only way to recover that loss since it's actually done through timing.
There are some differences with a touring bike, not alot .. but some. I just wanted to warn you about the triumph TOR's tune .... the Touring guys are the ones to ask about what combo is best.
I just stuck my nose in the touring thread to slow you down until someone in the know showed up.
I think I might just leave it as is. I don't really care that much about more power. Thats why I bought the touring model instead of the Classic or Standard. That being said I like the sound...my daughter said it sounded mad. By the way I did put the OEM replacement K&N filter in too. It seems to idle smoother and have a smoother delivery with the Pipes and the K&N.

Thanks for the info.
I run the Tors with the Triumph Tor tune..I also installed the GiproAtre and run it all open and find a very powerful noticeable difference from stock.The giproAtre really awakens the response..but I believe a 12 minute tune allows the computer to make adjustments that will be acceptable.No popping on decel is good news that it may be running ok..now "sniff" the exhaust after shutdown..smells clean and your good to go_Only my personal opinion.Take what you want and leave the rest!!!!
TuneBoy +filters


Adding a real tune with a TuneBoy in conjunction with Triple K&N filters will "Unleash" the bike. A TuneBoy will also open the secondary throttle plates 100% in all gears all RPM.

If you're not into the power thing it might not be for you, as the bike WILL wheelie or spin the tire in first gear with a handful of throttle. And don't even think about letting your Harley buddies ride it without signing a disclaimer first! LOL!

With that being said.... 150lb-ft of torque at the rear tire at 2250 rpm can't really be beat!