Custom Rocket Build Input desired

Is that just chrome or is there ceramic coating? My local powder coating ( blue flame) has me assured that they can ceramic coat the inside of the pipes before and or after chrome.
I'm on the fence for chrome as the engine is going to be chrome and it might be a nice contrast for the pipes to be black or something. My understanding is that if both sides are ceramic coated there is no need for a heat shield?
The engine with raised compression will need all the extra exhaust cooling for you to be able to ride.
Another thing i was contemplating was going with a full front end, i saw this picture a while ago and i LOVE the way it looks
any clue as to who sells this or was it custom made? I tried looking up the image but i found it here with no success... is it a concept art?
Another thing i was contemplating was going with a full front end, i saw this picture a while ago and i LOVE the way it looks
any clue as to who sells this or was it custom made? I tried looking up the image but i found it here with no success... is it a concept art?
Man, that looks really good!
Plans changed this winter. We are moving from our apartment into a home, My parents are retiring from work this year this summer and are moving in with us... so its time to move, $ and time are NOT on my side so its going to have to wait till later to do performance and paint etc... I'm just going to do the trans work for now....