Custom headlights

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Price: $654.00<--------------- Fek !!!!! I kin get real skulls cheaper than that

One on each front dresser bar would look cool tho'.

What would be the total cost for 2 real, shipped to louisiana ?
Reactions: idk
What would be the total cost for 2 real, shipped to louisiana ?

Dude...just make a run down to NOLA, find a voodoo queen and I'm sure she will hook you up with all the skulls you need
What would be the total cost for 2 real, shipped to louisiana ?

Have ta mek inquiries , nolton ol' chap..
Prob cheaper on waste material cargo--- or a tanning container..
but yer'd 'ave ta skin 'em & empty 'em yerself ta get a discount

----Free samples fer yer..