OK guru's I need some of your collective brain power and advice. I am tired of jacking around with Jardine and their ilk so I am going to set about building a set of custom pipes for the rocket and see if I can find a fabricator that will RELIABLY produce them for a reasonable cost. Here's what I need:
1.) Any advice on header pipe size, back pressure, etc.
2.) A source for header flanges
3.) Your opinion on design (3 into 2, 3 into 1, etc)
First set will be 3 into 2...maybe shorties that fit my roadster. After that I'm all ears
No point re-inventing the wheel mate. Have a look at thread ' Ponters exhaust' Neville Lush ( respected engine builder) worked with Reband Exhausts and designed the ultimate RIII exhaust system. Tuned length, custom flanges .. a beautiful exhaust system.
Nev is awesome.. but he's on the otherside of the Earth also.
Carpenter Racing makes this 3 into 1 header. http://www.carpenterracing.com/products_TRIII_megaphone.htm If I didn't already have Jardines I would probably go this route. They are a bit more expensive, but are a nice clean looking exhaust system. I have not heard one though and don't know how they sound compare to the Jardine, but they will give you plenty of power with the right mapping.
Jardine is currently making my life miserable. Due to minor accident, I get the opportunity to change out a few things, the exhaust being one of them, as the retail on two stock replacement pipes is about the same price as a full set of Jardines. They were ordered over a month ago, were supposed to be received last week...as of today it will be MAY before they arrive. Have decided to just leave the scratched pipes on the bike for now and wait it out. AARRGGHH!!!!
how do I get ahold of Nev? Jardeine can go **** in their hat...exhaust ordered in Jan and still not on the bike...supposed to ship in May but was told that is "optimistic"
how do I get ahold of Nev? Jardeine can go **** in their hat...exhaust ordered in Jan and still not on the bike...supposed to ship in May but was told that is "optimistic"
He's a member of this site ... PM him mate. He promises 160BHP at the rear wheel with Reband exhaust and the large exposed K&N filters. That's cheap horsepower ... exhaust system is not overly noisy or annoying at riding speed .
Nev is awesome.. but he's on the otherside of the Earth also.
Carpenter Racing makes this 3 into 1 header. Carpenter Racing If I didn't already have Jardines I would probably go this route. They are a bit more expensive, but are a nice clean looking exhaust system. I have not heard one though and don't know how they sound compare to the Jardine, but they will give you plenty of power with the right mapping.
Nice clean looking bike. And of course the exhaust would be my choice. If this one was not available I would be considering the reband myself. Either one will not matter if you do not have a good tuner available. That what you need to keep in mind. Otherwise your just adding a greater possibility of running to lean until it is tuned properly. If your not going tune boy Neither one of these two expert engine builders use the free ware. Just soemthing to keep in mind. So you had better figure on getting a PCV unit and finding some one who tune using it. (which is faily easy if they have a dynojet dynamometer then they most likely have been trained on teh PCV. Then you have to find someone who will load a map in first that changes the timing and puts the power back in the lower gears. Not trying to upset you just trying to give you the full picture. I am not sure if Bob has tuned a stock rocket yet with this pipe he did do a touring that made 165 hp. you should call because if he has you vcan send your ecu and he can flash the tune in it for the price of the tune boy key. Think on it don't just jump. Nev might flash a ecu also but I cannot speak for him. either way if they both do then you need to figure out what path you want to take.
Have PCV+AT and K&N's installed already and have been working with Hanso to get tune right with stock pipes. Plenty of tuners with Dynojet gear close including the dealer where I bought the bike, but not real interested in putting it on a dyno until I get pipes installed.
Have PCV+AT and K&N's installed already and have been working with Hanso to get tune right with stock pipes. Plenty of tuners with Dynojet gear close including the dealer where I bought the bike, but not real interested in putting it on a dyno until I get pipes installed.