McCruise usually has a discount price on the kits for a couple of weeks in March (anniversary sale). I think it was for 10% off last year. Watching for it this year since I can't ride until April anyway.

I definitely DID NOT need to know that... :-/
McCruise usually has a discount price on the kits for a couple of weeks in March (anniversary sale). I think it was for 10% off last year. Watching for it this year since I can't ride until April anyway.

My wallet just groaned in anticipation.
I retrofitted a Rostra kit not the easiest but it works well. - I would prefer the McCruise tho

Thanks for info. Emailed them yesterday . I've been looking for a tuner and found one . Also talked to some exhaust guys. One of them mentioned using a bear claw with K&N filters. Is the bear claw a different type of air box ? Where can I see these things. Mickey11
Plenty of photos and descriptions of of different filters. Just search.

Our bikes come stock with the "bear claw" - a metal cover for the unpleasing plastic plenum that connects the underseat air snorkel, to the underseat air filter box and connecting plumbing to the throttle bodies on the left side of the engine.

All that plumbing, while it certainly works, is convoluted, and makes working on the bike that much more onerous.

So many folks over the years have been motivated to find any way to remove all that -- that creativity and diversity is what patient searching of this site will uncover. Don't try to do it in thirty seconds and get frustrated. Give it several hours spread over days, and take notes as you go. See something interesting ? Ask questions. Many folks are no longer with us -- though the folks who are here represent bridges to almost all.

Good hunting. A big part of the fun of owning one of these bikes is the dreaming that it supports about all the possibilities.