A long time ago, riding a Honda 305 on a rainy day. Came to a turn with a crown and a very smooth surface. I don't remember if I hit the brake or not, the rear end slipped down on the crown, it was quite a steep crown as I recall, and down I went. Fortunately slid off the road and onto somebody's front lawn. Wasn't going fast at all, 30 or less I would think. I've come to notice that here in Maine. many of the rural roads have a steep crown to them. Looks to me they did a bad job of widening the road.
Another time riding the Bonnie, hot day, tried to power thru a sharp turn, kind of slowly, hit the center oil strip and the 994 slipped out, caught the better pavement and whiplashed me, but I didn't go down. Still scary though.
So some things that I am really aware of now are the above and steel man hole covers, larger painted areas on roads, loose sand and gravel in the spring and after heavy rains. Condensation on parts of roads happens alot too in shaded areas, on the east side of hills.
Ride safely,