Riding Motor Since 1950
OK you want an analysis.
First you were on a road you knew so you were somewhat at ease having traveled it many times.
You did not see the oil on the road and having just been accelerating still gaining momentum as your rear tire hit the slick.
It happened quickly which means you were surprised and had no time to react. It was an OH SH...... moment.
Your gear just saved your life.
You were in a no win situation. Since you have traveled this route many times you were programmed on how the ride it.
Something changed that you could not have been aware of. The fact that they put the sand down after your accident is an indication they know you were not at fault.
Glad you are still with us and praying for your recovery.
(I may not know what I am talking about, but it sounds good)
That there was a fine seat of the pants analysis, Amigo!
Mostly based upon your apparent Vukcan mind-meld with @Rocket_Rider.
The response will undoutedly be that the road was sanded because of the down motorcycle hemorraging the fluids foynd on the road surface.