Literally... Dang.
Out on a ride two weeks ago. Unfamiliar with the two lane road, passed slower traffic and found myself heading into a curve too fast. I think I laid it down, but honestly am not certain.
No one else involved. All on me.
Bike burned about 20 feet from me as I lay with a busted up right tibia/fibula.
Six days in the hospital (two surgeries) and now day eight in rehab. Spirits are pretty good. Legs feels ok all things considered. Big rod/plates/screws. Ankle and knee are generally ok. So is vascular. The biggest hurdle to getting home is probably the wound (open fracture with skin grafts).
I'm thankful that there was nothing much other than open hard-pan dirt through the curve. Something big and immovable would have made my crash substantially worse.
Ride safe my Rocket friends!