Coughs like it has covid-19.

Just follow the spark plug wires back to the 3 coils. Note there are 2 plugs per coil. At the coil you will also see the 2 colored primary coil wires plugged into them. Tighten those female bayonet fasteners. 2 are on the right hand side just under the fuel tank attached to the upper frame rail and 1 (very hard to get to) as far forward as possible where the upper frame rails meet the steering head. The easiest way to get to these is to raise the fuel tank for the 2 on the side. I have been able to get to the front coil also from here but it is a lot easier if you remove the 2 plastic covers at the steering head just ahead of the fuel tank. Sometimes removing the 2 side mounted coils will allow easier access to the front coil also.
I would check the low voltage primary wires going to each coil. Probably loose. Slightly crimp them for a tight fit then test again. If that doesn't work, buy a Primary TPS. Even if you don't use it, you will one day. This is easy to change and set up with TuneECU. Do a search on the site for TPS replacement.

Isn't the old saying the 90% of your fuel problems electrical, or something like that? I forget the exact verbiage.
Thank you for your information on the primary tps. Found a great video for that. Please pardon my ignorance, do you have any pictures of where the low voltage primary wires are?
Here ya go its the little wires on each coil. Start with the two on the sides they are easy. Just pull one squeeze the female plug a little with needle nose pliers so its nice and tight. Two wires each coil.
low tension leads.jpg
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Here ya go its the little wires on each coil. Start with the two on the sides they are easy. Just pull one squeeze the female plug a little with needle nose pliers so its nice and tight. Two wores each coil.
low tension leads.jpg
NK you very much. I will gently tighten those whores.
2012 R3 Roadster, Ramair, Tors pipes, tuned with TuneECU for Tors pipes.
Started with a rough idle. Cleaned the Ramair filter, good for 1 ride. Reset adaptation, no effect. Ran fuel injector cleaner through, good for 1 ride. Changed plugs, no effect. Balanced the Throttle Bodies, rough idle gone.
Now, on soft acceleration it coughs and sputters.
I have not changed the fuel filter yet.
Any thoughts?
Maybe running oxygenated fuel?
Rockets do not like it
2012 R3 Roadster, Ramair, Tors pipes, tuned with TuneECU for Tors pipes.
Started with a rough idle. Cleaned the Ramair filter, good for 1 ride. Reset adaptation, no effect. Ran fuel injector cleaner through, good for 1 ride. Changed plugs, no effect. Balanced the Throttle Bodies, rough idle gone.
Now, on soft acceleration it coughs and sputters.
I have not changed the fuel filter yet.
Any thoughts?
Same problem,found vacuum line off a throttle body. Check all vac lines. My prob solved. Dealer did the work.
I did all suggested and changed the fuel filter (could not blow much air through the old one) and she purrs like she is new again. Thank you so much Forum Gods for the support and the pictures.
2012 R3 Roadster, Ramair, Tors pipes, tuned with TuneECU for Tors pipes.
Started with a rough idle. Cleaned the Ramair filter, good for 1 ride. Reset adaptation, no effect. Ran fuel injector cleaner through, good for 1 ride. Changed plugs, no effect. Balanced the Throttle Bodies, rough idle gone.
Now, on soft acceleration it coughs and sputters.
I have not changed the fuel filter yet.
Any thoughts?
Check vacuum lines and plugs and check the spade connections to the coils.
Recrimp the low voltage pair of wires on each coil, replace that fuel filter, replace the vacuum hoses and vacuum caps, balance the throttle bodies, and reload the what everyone else says. If that doesn't do it, I suggest cycle trader or Ebay. 👍🤣