If it falls through with MCDVX, I would like to buy the seat. I've been looking for one and wasn't quick enough when it was first listed and 1olbull got it. Now I've 'stumbled' on a link that says it's for sale again... maybe... lol. Let me know. Thanks.
Oh and MCDVX....
Look in to my eyes.... not around the eyes... but IN my eyes... YOU DO NOT WANT THIS SEAT. I repeat, YOU DO NOT WANT THIS SEAT.... and 1, 2, 3... Your back in the Forum.
Oh crap, hang on... er...
Look in to my eyes.... not around the eyes... but IN my eyes... If you have already bought this seat you must sell it to Tonester for HALF PRICE....I repeat, HALF PRICE.... and 1, 2, 3... Your back in the Forum.