Hanso, The Corbin mount is very solid, the black bar bolts to the rear fender, the chrome brackets bolt to the seat, and a bolt on each side of the seat holds it on. You can download the Corbin installation instructions from the Corbin site. The thing I didn't like about the Corbin mount is the mounting holes are a ways from lining up. You can see from the attached pic how far it was off. Tdragger's was the same way, he finally forced his to line up, but I don't know how he did it (probably from intimidation, he is a big guy ).
The way I did the mount, the key is all you need to remove seat, and it seems pretty firmly mounted. However I'm sure that the two screws I used to mount the stock mounting to the seat won't hold as well as the stock rivets if someone wanted to pry the seat off. It seems to be holding up so far.
Hope this helps!
Thanks Bobby, it will be a little while before I get one but you have given me an idea of using your idea with a twist.. using the existing threaded holes for the corbin mounting brackets, make up a plate that will line up with the stock key lock and mount the pin to it. not saying it will work but once I get it I will suss it out