Seeing my custom solo is a perfect fit on bike, and I have a Corbin fastgun, maybe I shld send the solo to Russell for a heavy bastard rebuild?
Seeing you are so rapt with yours...
Variety / options is the spice of life ...
Yeah, agreed and
Happiness is most folk's life goal.

And if you go that route your gonna have none

, as that process is a
REAL paln!

It will cost you about Au$1500 by the time you get it back.
Prices | Custom Motorcycle Seats | Russell Cycle Products
Send yours over (Au$100), a month or two to finish (they have a backlog usually)

, and then receive it back.
The return parcel will be valued at well over Au$1000 (before including their premium rate postage/freight costs you will be forced to use). Then you wait another 3-4 weeks for Customs/Border Force to process your 10% GST tax (on item value
+ the freight/postage
) + their Au$100 + fee if you do all the paperwork and research customs tariff product codes etc yourself. Otherwise add another Au$100+ fee more to use a broker
Be warned, the Au$1000 cutoff for 10% GST on import parcels/mail into Australia
INCLUDES the delivery freight/postage which is also part of the total amount charged the 10%.
They also use the exchange rates of the day they process not when you paid. How do I know all this?

The Russell DayLong Standard sprung one should be fine up to at least 265lb 120 Kg I would think.
The HD actually 230+lb (105Kg) spring is the minimum weight required to use it from their own website's info. For riders below 230lb the HD spring will not work as effectively.
S-3 Solo All Leather $710 + Heavy-Duty Suspension – Driver Seat 230lbs+ $45 = US$755 (Au$1,125).
The S-3 Solo I have here is a Standard spring Solo in Diamond quilted Sunbrella fabric.
New it would be US$585 (Au$875) PLUS freight to Australia which I can guarantee will takeit over Au$1000 total value and then the Customs 10% GST cuts in.
Link Removed
Another Fabric and pattern example photo only below.
- Sunbrella Acrylics: Sunbrella is a breathable, durable canvas product that has been used in outdoor marine and awning applications for years. It is naturally water resistant and will not fade. Sunbrella will hold you in the pocket and help eliminate slide forward problems. A wide range of colors are available for use.