Afraid the heavy-handed ones ( they all seem to be heavy-handed when dealing with bike riders) screw it for the ones that do 'exceptional' things. People do remember the cops caught for corruption and breaking the law they are sworn to uphold... makes it difficult for the ones that are trying to do the right thing i guess. Here in Queensland we had our highest ranking copper sent to prison for corruption. What astounded me was the pitiful bribes the bent cops were taking , sometimes as little as $100 a week to turn a blind eye or give criminals warnings of upcoming raids or investigations. I just reckon if your are going to be on the 'right' side of the law at least be honest and show a bit of integrity.
I just don't get why we should be expected to give more credit to a cop behaving decently than we do to anyone else.

We've all got good stories about cops but in reality they don't portray exceptional behaviour; just guys doing their jobs the way they are meant to be done. People chose to be cops and everyone knows that comes with some unpleasant duties and danger. If you don't want to be exposed to that, don't be a cop. Cops haven't been given power, they've been given authority. Problem is too many of them don't see it that way.

I'd suggest anyone behaving decently deserves credit, regardless of profession.

Not sure about the crime statistics where you live, but around here, it can be a very dangerous job. You're right that that's what they sign up for, and for some of them I suspect its a big ego trip. But, from the one's I've known there's also a sense of serving the community, something akin to those serving in the military. And for that, I give them credit. Its not a job I'd want at twice the pay.
I mostly agree Harry. I guess my point is that I don't go around praising a shop keeper for selling non-expired food or giving me the correct change. As for giving them credit for doing something I wouldn't do. Absolutely. Which is why I'm happy to pay them to do it.
From my experiences, seems the best/ low crime neighborhoods or towns are the worst to ride in. Less crime means bored cops. Bored cops mean more tickets for more B.S. reasons. Maybe something to concider when planning your trip? Southern USA are full of places like that.

Just seems funny, all this hating the cops deal. Lousy job for sure, but fact is when the crapola hits the fan in your life you'll be calling for the police... I'm inclined to cut em some slack.
**** shame. I thought guns were all confiscated there. Unfortunately it sounds like they missed one.

There may be some bad ones out there, just like any other group. But by and large, they can't pay those guys enough for the risks they take.

We actually have more guns legally in the community now than before the governments buy back was operational .
Spoke to one of the Odins Warriors today, he's been in the club for over 30 years. Told me he was made to show his licence on three seperate occasions on the Poker Run yesterday .. even though he is on a first name basis with every cop that asked him. If that's not blatant harrasment , what is !!
I have a friend that was pulling a boat with his truck in a rural area and the boat trailer tire hit a deep pothole and blew out. He pulled off the side of the road just over a hill so he called the township police to watch traffic coming over the hill so nobody would get killed while he changed the tire! The cop showed up and wrote him up for damaging public property because the bad tire/rim carved out some weeds along side the road in the middle of nowhere. He had to pay a fine and court costs $$$. Public safety or generating income???????
Did you ride that Highway 58 west from Bakersfield? Your mention of the whoop de doos sounds like it.

Beware boring old man story:
If it was 58; it took me just over 100mph to catch air on those rolling hills with my Ninja years ago. I haven't been back to 58 in years; but that road was one of the best around. It was so fun, I returned there a year later in my motor home with my family. I stopped roadside TWICE and unbolted two of those big ass 58 roadsigns and took them home. I polished up the aluminum real nice, wrote some cool stuff on the back and gave one to my riding buddy, who was with me and also on a Ninja. Great memory.

Sorry to hear of your rotten luck with having so many bulls patrolling along your route. It especially sux getting pinched for a chicken $hit lane violation. Don't hate 'em too bad - California is going titz up. :p
Be Well,
Bull, were ninjas already invented when you were a young calf?:D