I generally go right on by these "Cop" posts since I made my living in law enforcement for 32 years and have heard all of the stories about being screwed over by a bad cop whether I wanted to or not. This morning I have had a good breakfast and going for a ride later, so what the hell. In those fun filled years there are some memories that will keep on giving, a 18 month baby girl infected with gonorrhea from the new live in boy friend, an 84 year man starved to death in the basement by his drug dealing family, and a severely retarded five year old boy used as an ashtray from his loving parents. I have been retired now for 13 years but I am proud of the years I served and hopefully some of the lives I impacted in a good way and the drones that are still incarcerated and away from society where they belong because I did my job. In all professions there are individuals who through their work ethic or attitudes shouldn't be doing that particular thing for a living. Police officers are human beings and the last time I checked the species is certainly not perfect. For the most part they perform many thankless hours of service that is needed more than ever in the current times. Said my piece, now off to fire up the Rocket.........