Ive had my share of being mad at cops for citations that i didnt agree with, but being im young i just assume im wrong
. but the other night in the city i was riding with a buddy of mine, he was on a R6. we were on the main drag through town. as we left the lights we both got into the throttle pretty heavy, although i know better than to do this here I proceeded. when i noticed the cop on the side of the road i grabbed a handfull of brake to slow down from 80mph... its a 35mph road. i stopped at the next light only to have the officer tell us both to pull over, over the intercom. so i hand him my license and registration. My buddy didnt have his reg as he just got the bike and was on ther other guys plate. he also didnt have a motorcycle endorsment. so after a half hour of bulls**t on the side of the road the cop tells us "You Should be careful accelerating like that side by side somebody might confuse it for racing". to shorten the rest of the story he let us both ride away without so much as a warning.