
So you were doing 80 in a 35 zone and your buddy didn't have a MC license. And you consider the half hour bull****?? I'd consider it a your birthday and christmas presents all rolled up into one.
trust me i was astounded that we were able to walk away.. bull was the wrong term i guess. i didnt mean it in a bad way. just meant running plates and names and stuff

Guess the old axe, " never one around when you need one." is applicable. The paradox is that the reason so many folks are allowed to DWI (drive while ignorant) is because they just wanna be free to do so, same as us when we feel like speeding.
Best Regards,
Oh yeah, the "sign-off" crack was appreciated and well deserved.
I've had similar experiences here a few times. One cop said he only pulled me over because the car drivers around would have expected him too. Another said he just wanted to look at the bike. I was doing at least 50km over both times.

Have said it before, Canberra cops seem to be pretty lenient towards bikes. I hear Queensland a little bit different, TC?
Lynyrd Skynyrd songs says not to back talk the police because its his job to put you in the jail. Some are rediculous, most are just folks doing a job that we won't do. They are humans too and based on the laws of averages some must be pricks and some nice and most in between, just like the rest of us. There is the power over people problem that the uniform and gun bring but only to a few. I try to remember what they face everyday. Yesterday we saw a license plate here in Raleigh, NC and I asked Lori if she were a policeman and saw this car weaving would she pull it over? Tag read "TRANYBOY" . They walk among us y'all. Fight it in court.
Have said it before, Canberra cops seem to be pretty lenient towards bikes. I hear Queensland a little bit different, TC?

They be ****z ...every last one of'em !!!!![/QUOTE]

Now TC, you don't need to hold back and be polite just because it is a public forum...Tell us what you really think!! You are one funny fella. LMFAO
Dog is thinkin, "Just a little lower tough guy and you'll have a hand full".