

.040 Over
Feb 23, 2012
Bakersfield, California
OK, it has been suggested to post more, so here goes.... When for a ride a couple of weeks ago, thinking I would shoot over to the sunny California coast and get wet and then make a loop south and home. Going west on a usually near deserted road in the middle of nowhere, a common place for bikes, I'm looking forward to opening up the Rocket a bit. Took some whoop-de-dos at moderately high speed, bike did great, but as I approached the area of "going fast", I see a black and white speck in the distance. Allowing reason to get the better of me, I back off, going by at 55mph, which was painful to say the least. Leaving our public guardian behind and getting back into the hills, some bicks come the other way slowly, so I back off and shortly there goes another one.... Get over to the coast, and the freeway is packed with patrol cars, for over 150 miles its cop city... Get to Malibu, and its freaking beautiful out, and I'm really enjoying it even though there are so many cops out that I couldn't really ride; just had to be constantly looking out for radar guns and watching my speed which was ssslllooowwwwwwwwww.... So I've got 300 miles behind me and not much really FUN riding because there have been cops everywhere nearly the whole trip, but enjoying it because its so nice out, and I'm thinking maybe I should just move down here and live like this all the time. Just when feeling so good, I get snapped back to current California reality. Need gas, see station, pull into left turn lane, and glancing into my mirror I see a large 4x4 pickup approaching me at high speed and not really slowing down and the driver has his head turned yakking at his girl and I like my health and my bike so I cut across the painted divider into the station and low and behold there are TWO cops there ticketing nearly everyone getting gas who made some similar infraction. Of course my move was totally safe: no oncoming traffic, just protecting myself, but the pimple faced virgin junior policeman writes me a big fat expensive ticket for my serious violation of the law. And with eagerness too, like "I got one!". I tried to reason with him, but his power badge got in the way of his brain and he gleefully handed me my ticket. And I had tried so hard the whole ride to be good. After fueling I tried real hard not to punch it as I got the hell out of there making my way through the maze of law enforcement... F*ck Malibu! Fortunately able to get some peace leaving LA county and returning home by a different route and had some good times, but the whole 480 mile day was tainted by poilice more interested in raising revenue than protecting the public. Just my 2 cent rant...
Feel for you. Makes you want to kick the **** out of them when they do that. These things can really spoil you whole day. I generally try (and it's an effort) to be philosophical and think of all the times I wasn't booked when I should have been. That score's still a long way in my favour and it tends to help me get past it quicker, although not much. Good advice from Goth and TC too.
Did you ride that Highway 58 west from Bakersfield? Your mention of the whoop de doos sounds like it.

Beware boring old man story:
If it was 58; it took me just over 100mph to catch air on those rolling hills with my Ninja years ago. I haven't been back to 58 in years; but that road was one of the best around. It was so fun, I returned there a year later in my motor home with my family. I stopped roadside TWICE and unbolted two of those big ass 58 roadsigns and took them home. I polished up the aluminum real nice, wrote some cool stuff on the back and gave one to my riding buddy, who was with me and also on a Ninja. Great memory.

Sorry to hear of your rotten luck with having so many bulls patrolling along your route. It especially sux getting pinched for a chicken $hit lane violation. Don't hate 'em too bad - California is going titz up.
Be Well,

Have sent this to the Kern county police department you do know that the statute of limitations does not apply to stealing road signs used to live in palmdale and I know the roads pretty well some good riding.
Yeah, sounds like you guys know the roads and the situation here. It has usually been great riding out there which is why I chose it. And I do think about the many times I didn't get caught. But it's not like I'm stealing anything; I'm not putting anyone at risk or threatening public safety. It's really about revenue enhancement; very little is being done to protect us from bad drivers but they are writing BS tickets in droves. Every day there are people on cell phones paying no attention whatsoever; locally one recently killed a motorcyclist stopped at a traffic signal - just ran right through her and killed her dead. They're swerving all over the road blabbering desperately important meaningless conversations while mindlessly piloting a deadly weapon.... A guy ran a stop sign right in front of my house today, again... You know the score. So getting a BS ticket kinda burns my ass. It was clear what was going on was a ticket writing "factory" for revenue purposes and not any attempt to make the roads safer. And I will fight it; already looked into that. I think what I really want and miss is simple freedom and wide open spaces without the threat of getting screwed for doing what every ounce of my soul wnats to do... ride like the f*cking wind.
Ive had my share of being mad at cops for citations that i didnt agree with, but being im young i just assume im wrong . but the other night in the city i was riding with a buddy of mine, he was on a R6. we were on the main drag through town. as we left the lights we both got into the throttle pretty heavy, although i know better than to do this here I proceeded. when i noticed the cop on the side of the road i grabbed a handfull of brake to slow down from 80mph... its a 35mph road. i stopped at the next light only to have the officer tell us both to pull over, over the intercom. so i hand him my license and registration. My buddy didnt have his reg as he just got the bike and was on ther other guys plate. he also didnt have a motorcycle endorsment. so after a half hour of bulls**t on the side of the road the cop tells us "You Should be careful accelerating like that side by side somebody might confuse it for racing". to shorten the rest of the story he let us both ride away without so much as a warning.